The Bitcoin Therapist Shared Cryptocurrency Investment Journey

The Bitcoin Therapist, a well-known pseudonymous writer of a Bitcoin newsletter, shared a crypto investment journey to inspire individuals. 

The transformation of the cryptocurrency hater in crypto enthusiasts is a common scenario and showcases the power digital assets hold in today’s world. The Bitcoin Therapist, an anonymous crypto enthusiast, shared the beginning of his cryptocurrency journey to inspire the crypto community. He took to social media platform X to share his experience and crypto investment journey.

What Does The Bitcoin Therapist’s Tweet Say? 

The Bitcoin Therapist, an anonymous writer of a Bitcoin (BTC) Newsletter with over 99.7K followers on X, recalled his crypto journey on April 29.

“Describe your Bitcoin journey in one photo”, he posted on X.

He challenged every individual to describe their BTC journey in a single photo and shared one picture in the form of a short video.

The post described how a chance changed his perspective towards Bitcoin and boosted his interest in cryptocurrency. His crypto journey began with an investment in DogeCoin, the giant of the Memecoin market.

The BTC newsletter writer invested over a few thousand dollars in the meme coin, and, interestingly, the value tripled overnight. This is where he developed an interest in digital assets and began exploring Bitcoin. 

“It took me a few days before it clicked,” he noted. Based on the analysis, he shifted all his investments to BTC. 

Furthermore, he stated, “Ironic, but true. I haven’t touched anything but Bitcoin since and I don’t intend to”.

Cashing quick profits from lesser-known “meme coins” is less significant than following long-lasting financial independence through BTC, he added. 

He made the statement after learning, studying, and analyzing the various aspects of the crypto market. Moreover, The Bitcoin Therapist’s crypto investment journey showcases the importance of knowledge and strategic investment to make more profits and mitigate losses.

Besides, he is active on social media platforms and stays connected with the crypto community. He believes that the world is much closer to the idea of governments printing their currency to buy BTC.

Bitcoin’s Current Price 

Bitcoin, the crypto world’s big cheese, is trading at $62,381.49 after a drop of 2.10% in one day. BTC has a market cap of $1,228,695,083,214 and over $20,946,636,764 in 24-hour volume.

Moreover, the coin hit its all-time high of $73,750.07 on March 14, 2024, whereas the all-time low was recorded at $0.04865 on July 15, 2010. Additionally, the maximum supply of BTC is 21 Million, and the total & circulating supply is 19,691,678.
