‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ Author Predicts Bitcoin (BTC) to Hit $500,000 by 2025

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Gamza Khanzadaev

$500,000 per Bitcoin by 2025, author of best-selling business book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad,’ shares optimistic prediction

Robert Kiyosaki, investor and author of popular business book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” shared with the public his latest predictions about the financial markets, namely, his favorite assets: gold, silver and Bitcoin (BTC). In particular, Kiyosaki has suggested that the cryptocurrency could be worth as much as half a million dollars in two years.

The writer begins with a rather ominous statement that a crash and depression are coming. The trigger for the calamity will be, according to Kiyosaki, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s wrong monetary policy, forcing the regulator to print billions of “fake” money.

How to protect your wealth in the Kiyosaki way?

Salvation, in the author’s opinion, lies precisely in gold and silver as “God’s money” and in BTC as the “people’s” money. Thus, when faith in the U.S. Dollar is destroyed, all these assets will grow many times over, and Bitcoin in particular may be valued at $500,000. In the writer’s opinion, this could happen by 2025.

Recently, Kiyosaki predicted the imminent collapse of the financial markets, which is to happen as early as tomorrow, Feb. 14. He probably attributes the worsening of market conditions to the inflation data due out tomorrow. The author urges people not to panic and to increase their exposure to strong assets.

Source: https://u.today/rich-dad-poor-dad-author-predicts-bitcoin-btc-to-hit-500000-by-2025