Peter Schiff Twitter Account Hacked Days After His Bitcoin NFT Launch

Twitter’s favorite crypto cynic and gold proponent Peter Schiff saw his Twitter account get hacked to promote what appears to be a fake gold coin scam.

Spencer Schiff, Peter Schiff’s son, alerted his dad’s followers to not click on the link in the Tweet as it is “most certainly” compromised. Contrary to Peter, Spencer holds a positive stance on cryptocurrencies.

Hacker promotes fake gold scam

The hacker tweeted from Peter Schiff’s account that he is unveiling the official launch of Gold, a cryptocurrency token poised to empower the Web3 community, binding the worlds of physical and digital currency. The hacker had quote retweeted a previous tweet from the same account that criticized the US government’s move to raise the debt limit once again and creating inflation in the country. Peter Schiff is a known gold proponent and a crypto critic.



Peter Schiff’s entry into bitcoin

Even before this hack, Peter Schiff had seemed to embrace the underlying technology of Bitcoin. The harsh bitcoin critic had announced his NFT collection on Bitcoin Ordinals. The move surprised the crypto community. However, Schiff continues to maintain his claim that bitcoin has no value. Replying to CZ’s tweet welcoming Peter to the bitcoin community, the economist said, I haven’t converted. The Ordinals help add value to the art by making it easier to prove authenticity. The Ordinals themselves could have extra value if it turns out I’m wrong on Bitcoin.

Jai Pratap is a Crypto and Blockchain enthusiast with over three years of working experience with different major media houses. His current role at CoinGape includes creating high-impact web stories, cover breaking news, and write editorials. When not working, you’ll find him reading Russian literature or watching some Swedish movie.

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.
