Optimistic Call by Michael Saylor on Bitcoin’s ATH!

Crypto Live News

Author: Nidhi Kolhapur

Nidhi is a Certified Digital Marketing Executive and Passionate crypto Journalist covering the world of alternative currencies. She shares the latest and trending news on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain.


Michael Saylor on X, has made an optimistic Bitcoin call to the global crypto community regarding the new BTC ATH that is eagerly awaited by the entire crypto community. Michael Saylor has tweeted that the Bitcoin price is still below $0.07 million as he puts it in terms of one million USD. In an interview earlier with CNBC, Michael had stated that Bitcoin is going to $1 million if it isn’t going to “zero”. He had also said that if at all BTC is a legitimate institutional asset, it is ‘under-allocated’, signifying its exponential growth.

Source: https://coinpedia.org/crypto-live-news/optimistic-call-by-michael-saylor-on-bitcoins-ath/