OKX Jumpstart Pioneers RUNECOIN Mining Through Bitcoin Staking

OKX Jumpstart, a leading exchange, has introduced a groundbreaking feature: users can now mine RUNECOIN by staking their Bitcoin. 

This move, Starting April 29, 2024, at 7:00 a.m. UTC, marks a major step for Ordinals and Bitcoin, fostering adoption, education, and innovation in emerging technologies.

Unlocking New Horizons With RUNECOIN Mining

The company that created the novel currency, Runecoin, has praised the launch of RUNECOIN mining via Bitcoin staking on OKX Jumpstart as a significant accomplishment. 

With just 21 billion RUNECOIN in circulation, this partnership offers users a unique chance to interact with Bitcoin in previously unheard-of ways. This collaboration has excited Runecoin, who called it a “significant step forward for the entire Runes ecosystem.”

Runecoin offers users an exclusive way to engage with the Bitcoin network. It was the first Pre-Rune airdrop given to early Ordinals adopters. 

This program creates new channels for interaction, investigation, and possible value generation inside Bitcoin’s developing technologies by enabling cryptocurrency holders to stake their holdings and mine RUNECOIN.

RUNECOIN mining on OKX Jumpstart will take place from 7:00 a.m. UTC on April 29, 2024, to 7:00 a.m. UTC on April 30, 2024. 

By staking their Bitcoin holdings on the platform, users will have the chance to mine 367,500,000 RUNECOIN tokens during this 24-hour period.

Fostering Innovation And Adoption

Runecoin, the first Pre-Rune airdropped to early Ordinals adopters, was designed to foster innovation within the Bitcoin network.

By inviting more platforms, exchanges, and communities to join this “new wave of Bitcoin innovation,” Runecoin aims to accelerate the adoption and education surrounding Ordinals, Runes, and the broader Bitcoin ecosystem.

An important step has been taken to close the gap between standard cryptocurrency trading and the developing realm of Ordinals and Runes with this joint venture between OKX Jumpstart and Runecoin.

The cooperation promotes education and awareness within the larger cryptocurrency community by giving Bitcoin holders an easy-to-use platform to interact with these new technologies.

Strategic Partnerships & Global Reach

The cooperation between Runecoin and OKX Jumpstart has been carefully planned to offer consumers a smooth experience. 

Due to its extensive global reach and standing as a top centralized exchange, OKX Jumpstart is sure to attract considerable interest and participation in this program. 

The platform’s low costs, quick execution, and easy-to-use interface are designed to draw in many customers interested in discovering the possibilities of Bitcoin’s cutting-edge technologies.

The cooperation is significant, as Runecoin has acknowledged, and it fits with the project’s goal of “bootstrapping adoption, education, and innovation of Ordinals, Runes, and Bitcoin.” 

Runecoin seeks to educate a broader audience about Ordinals and Runes by utilizing OKX Jumpstart’s extensive worldwide user base and stable trading infrastructure. This will help to build a more excellent knowledge and appreciation for the inventive possibilities of the Bitcoin network.


The launch of RUNECOIN mining via Bitcoin staking on OKX Jumpstart marks a significant advancement in integrating Ordinals and Runes into the Bitcoin ecosystem. This move expands user involvement and drives exploration and enhancement of Bitcoin’s features. 

Runecoin’s partnership with OKX Jumpstart reflects its dedication to education and innovation, signaling exciting global prospects for the cryptocurrency community.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/04/29/okx-jumpstart-pioneers-runecoin-mining-through-bitcoin-staking/