Ethereum Bag Holders Didn’t Believe It, Yet Bitcoin Spark Proved Them Wrong

Bitcoin Spark

Cryptocurrencies have played a crucial role in the development of finance. Despite increased regulatory pressures from governments worldwide, crypto assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have found a special place in online transactions. Since the birth of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies have found their way into the financial infrastructure of millions worldwide, solving basic gaps left out by fiat currencies. 

While most people watched on the sidelines as Bitcoin became popular, a handful of people bought into the ecosystem. It made significant gains with Bitcoin’s increased popularity and showered investments from latecomers, institutions, and retail investors. However, newer crypto projects have offered a great opportunity for those investors who missed out on Bitcoin to hop onto the Ethereum and Bitcoin Spark trains before they leave the stations.

Ethereum Bag holders after the merge

Ethereum is a newer crypto project than Bitcoin that was launched in 2015. The platform initially utilized the proof of work consensus mechanism, which has had increased criticism for its high energy affinity and complexity of mining ETH alongside increased entry barriers. However, the network’s developers decided to transform the network’s consensus to an adaptive proof of stake network validation process, allowing staking participants to take control of the network. This move caused an increased number of ETH holders, projecting a surge in ETH prices shortly when the bull cycle kicks in and the market turns green again. However, other investors have spotted a crypto gem called Bitcoin Spark and are buying out its ongoing ICO event.

Is Bitcoin Spark a better investment than Ethereum?

Bitcoin Spark and Ethereum are among the top smart contracting platforms in the DeFi arena. While both investments stand out as lucrative deals for the expected bull market cycle, Bitcoin Spark has more potential to reward early investors than Ethereum. By rewriting Bitcoin’s script, Bitcoin Spark is a massive opportunity for anyone who missed out on Bitcoin’s chance of creating wealth. Bitcoin Spark is a Bitcoin hard fork with a unique ecosystem with conspicuous perks that venture capitalists, whales, and bag holders look for in a project before heavily investing in the platform.

Bitcoin Spark

Bitcoin Spark is about to become the top crypto platform for bag holders due to its measure of decentralization, especially in the network participating activities, such as its consensus mechanism called proof-of-process. Proof-of-process is a variation of the old-technology proof-of-work and an adaptive proof-of-stake consensus. The proof of process consensus is reinforced with special blueprints and smart algorithms to balance out the network regarding staking activities and mining reward allocation. 

Mining activities in the Bitcoin Spark network will offer a true path of decentralization as the Bitcoin Spark developers have set measures to prevent one or two central firms from claiming authority and establishing a monopoly over the mining infrastructure. Miners on the Bitcoin Spark network will perform all their activities on the Bitcoin Spark network through the Bitcoin Spark application running on different operating systems.

The Bitcoin Spark network is light and, therefore, less energy-consuming. The network is so undemanding that miners will only require smart devices such as laptops and mobile phones to mine BTCS by approving transactions and verifying the validity of new blocks. BTCS tokens are currently available for investors to purchase to participate in the network’s early development. One BTCS token is selling for $3 but has the potential to retail for much more in the coming months after the mainnet release and the minting of the first Bitcoin Spark block.

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