Commentary: Bitfinex Talks About Bitcoin, As It Gains Traction Following Commodity Pull Back


  • Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his armed forces to invade the Ukrainian lands, which led to various sanctions by nations on Russia.
  • During this war, Ukraine has received a myriad of support, especially in crypto assets, where Ukraine utilized those in acts like acquiring military gear.
  • However, international stocks seems to be in a mix, market sentiment is highly unconcerned by Russia’s anarchist approach towards Ukraine as commodity prices soars.

Russia is not looking in a talking mood right now, even after there are rumors of peace talks flying in the. Not long ago, Russia started to face sanctions from various nations due to Putin’s anarchist approach towards Ukraine. This resulted in crowned currency reaching $45,000 levels earlier this month.

Oil values climbed back, kicking out the damages on Tuesday. Monday’s declines acted as hope over progressive signs among Ukrainian and Russian negotiators kicked investors out of commodity. 

Researchers anticipates OPEC+ — Organization of Petroleum Exporting nations as well as its allies, involving Russia — is going to peg to its strategy to drive production by another 400,000 barrels a day.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin appears to be at a prominent position, and was trading at a market value of $47,182. There is a psychological barrier of $45,000, which the folks are relied upon.

If we look at past few days, we will witness a steady growth in the crowned currency.

Amid this chaotic situation and kick back of commodities, team of Bitfinex gave their crucial insights saying:

“A palpable mood of optimism has returned to the cryptocurrency market as if the green shoots of Spring are making themselves known. While global stocks appear to be mixed, market sentiment is increasingly unconcerned by the Russia-Ukraine war as commodity prices pull back. Bitcoin and other key crypto assets were all up, driven by increasing investor enthusiasm for supply-constrained assets and currencies representing faster and more efficient peer-to-peer payments and decentralized finance (DeFi). Indeed, the strength of the underlying digital token economy may bolster any further upward trend in the market.”

Bitfinex is a P2P digital; asset exchange, discovered back in 2012. Bitfinex offers virtual asset trading services to cryptocurrency traders around the globe. Platform has progressively made a name for itself in the crypto sector. Bitfinex trading team comprises experienced folks who are cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

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