The year 2025 has begun, and the new astrological transits predicted for the new year are ready to influence the main cryptocurrencies in some way. Here is the 2025 horoscope for the top 10 crypto, with Bitcoin and other digital coins that will have the infamous “Saturn against.”
The 2025 horoscope for the top 10 crypto: what are the zodiac signs of the cryptocurrencies
To create the 2025 horoscope, it is necessary to take a look at the astrological transits of the planets expected for the new year that has just begun. From here, it will be possible to interpret how the top 10 crypto can be influenced, based on their zodiac sign.
In fact, let’s remember that Bitcoin is a Capricorn, taking its birth date as the famous January 3, 2009. Ethereum, born on July 30, 2015, is a Leo.
Ripple and Dogecoin are under the sign of Sagittarius, with their birth dates being December 21, 2012, and December 6, 2013, respectively.
Following that, there are the stablecoins Tether (USDT) – October 6, 2014 – and USD Coin (USDC) – September 27, 2018 – which, together with Cardano – September 28, 2017 -, are under the sign of Libra.
BNB and TRX are under the Cancer sign, with symbolic birth dates of July 3, 2017, and June 21, 2018, respectively. Finally, Solana (SOL) is under the Pisces sign, with a birth date of March 16, 2020.
Having identified the various zodiac signs of the top 10 crypto, we now move on to verify which planetary transits in astrology can influence their roadmap.
The 2025 Horoscope for the Top 10 Cryptos: Watch Out for “Saturn Against” and Jupiter Unfavorable
Among the semi-slow planets, there is the infamous Saturn, which will make its new appearance in the sign of Aries from May 25, 2025, and it will remain there until the first of September.
There will therefore be four months in which the planet of responsibilities, rules, and serious growth opportunities stations in the first sign of the zodiac.
This transit will be a bit annoying to all the cardinal signs of Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer. And so, while Bitcoin, BNB, and Tron (TRX) will have “Saturn Against”, USDT, USDC, and ADA will instead have Saturn opposite.
Unfavorable Saturn is an indication of “heaviness,” due to the strong commitment and hard work required to achieve one’s ambitions in the various sectors of life.
It could happen that, during the summer, these crypto will have to face strong challenges more than others or overcome obstacles. This is a taste of something that will be more evident in 2026 with Saturn returning to Aries to stay there for over two years.
Another semi-slow planet is then Jupiter, which in 2025 will make a first part in the sign of Gemini, and then enter from June 9 into the sign of Cancer.
Unlike Saturn, Jupiter is the planet of optimism and trust, but also of expansion, exploration, and discovery.
In this regard, Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Solana (SOL) will suffer a bit in the first part of the year due to a lack of confidence or difficulties in their expansion. After June 9, these cryptos will then be freer to move and explore new dimensions for their projects.
BNB and TRX will also be supported by the blessing of Jupiter in the second part of the year, while for BTC, the crypto community might start to engage in deep and philosophical reflections regarding its growth and future.
Slow planets of 2025: two words on Ethereum
Looking at 2025 and its transits, there are then other slow planets that inaugurate new epochs on a general level.
For example, Pluto has entered the sign of Aquarius, Neptune will make a taste in the sign of Aries from March to October, and Uranus leaves the sign of Taurus after seven years and begins its era in the sign of Gemini.
Here, a few words can be said about Ethereum (ETH) which, with twenty years of Pluto in opposition, is beginning a slow journey of continuous balance between its personal power that comes to light and what the world is prepared to embrace.
The crypto king of smart contracts, DeFi, NFT, and EVM, will however from July 2025, with Uranus in favor, be supported in finding increasingly new revolutionary, alternative, and innovative visions to what already exists.
The 2025 Horoscope of the Top 10 Crypto: Conclusions
The year 2025 will be for Bitcoin (BTC) of Capricorn a year full of challenges and deep reflections on its future.
The stablecoin USDT and USDC, and the crypto ADA of the Bilancia will, instead, be engaged in creating new equilibriums to evolve their projects.
BNB and Tron (TRX) of Cancer will experience a year of restructuring, but it will be lightened in the second part, when luck will start to turn.
Solana (SOL) of Pisces will start 2025 still as a protagonist, with the token and the project continuing to gain value. Not only that, there will also be luck on its side in the second part, as long as it manages to seize it.
Ethereum (ETH) del Leone experiences the new year slowly expressing its talent, as a protagonist in many crypto micro-sectors, with the second part in which it could begin to revolutionize.
Finally, Ripple (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE) of Sagittarius will enjoy recognition even from a regulatory perspective, with the second part of the year supported by luck.