Vote Against Advancing Gas Stove Protections Amid Frustration With McCarthy


A group of hard-right House members voted against their party Tuesday, delaying the advancement of two bills that would prohibit the Biden Administration from regulating gas stoves in a show of rebellion against GOP leadership—as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) faces tension in his party over his debt ceiling deal with President Joe Biden.

Key Facts

The 11 GOP members surprised leadership by voting with Democrats on a procedural vote that would have established the rules for debating and passing two gas stove-related bills, causing it to fail 220-206 and preventing the bills from advancing.

The two bills in question would have prevented federal funds from being used to ban gas stoves in the future—which federal regulators say isn’t a current threat—or setting energy conservation and health standards for new stoves; they were recognized as messaging bills and were not likely to pass the Senate.

Some of the Republicans who voted against the rule package Tuesday did so after accusing GOP leaders of retaliating against Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), who voted against the debt ceiling deal, by not scheduling one of his bills for a vote (Clyde was not among the GOP lawmakers who voted against the rules package).

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said, “we’re not going to live in a system where our members are subject to this type of petty punishment,” later telling reporters he voted against the bill “because we’re frustrated at the way this place is operating.”

Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) denied removing Clyde’s bill from the schedule prior to the 11 conservatives holding up the gas stove bills, Politico reported—and Tuesday afternoon, Clyde tweeted that GOP leadership agreed to allow his bill, which focused on gun regulations, to come to a vote next week.

NBC News reported that Scalise voted against advancing the bill, a technical move that will allow it to be brought back to the House for a rule vote.

Surprising Fact

It’s rare for rules votes to be defeated. The last time a procedural vote to set House rules for debate failed was 2002, according to C-SPAN.

Key Background

After weeks of negotiations, McCarthy and Biden struck a compromise late last month to freeze some federal spending in exchange for suspending the federal debt ceiling—preventing the government from running out of cash and entering an economically disastrous default. The compromise bill, which was signed by Biden days ago, drew criticism from far-right Republicans and far-left Democrats. The Freedom Caucus, which is typically composed of the furthest-right Republicans and made up about half of the “no” votes against the debt bill, said in a statement to Roll Call that the deal failed to make the spending cuts Republicans wanted. The frustration some members were feeling led to suggestions of trying to oust McCarthy as House Speaker: Tuesday’s vote indicated some hard-right members remain frustrated and demonstrated their power to make McCarthy’s tenure difficult. McCarthy was elected Speaker by House members in January after more than a dozen failed votes, a historic deadlock that came as the furthest-right members of his caucus demanded concessions. After Tuesday’s failed rules vote, Gaetz invoked McCarthy’s struggle to win a majority, telling reporters GOP lawmakers tried in January “to end the era of the imperial speakership.”

Crucial Quote

“We’re concerned that the fundamental commitments that allowed Kevin McCarthy to assume the speakership have been violated as a consequence of the debt limit deal,” Gaetz said.


Earlier this year, gas stoves became an unexpected political topic after a commissioner for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission suggested the agency is open to banning gas stoves due to the health risks they present. The comment from the federal level came as some cities and counties considered implementing building codes that could either ban the installation of new gas stoves or provide incentives for developers not to, citing climate and health concerns. However, the White House weighed in and said President Joe Biden is not interested in banning gas stoves, and other federal officials emphasized that even if a ban were put in place in the future, it would only apply to installing new gas stoves.

Further Reading

Republicans angry with McCarthy over debt deal join Democrats to block gas stove bills (NBC News)

Conservatives rebel against McCarthy on gas stoves bill over debt deal anger (Politico)

U.S. House Republicans aim to defend gas-stove owners’ ‘freedoms’ (Reuters)
