The Center for Maritime Strategy, billed as “America’s intellectual center for the study of the role of maritime power in international security,” proposed the Navy address “poor quality living conditions” for shipyard-bound sailors by purchasing some gently-used cruise ships. A nice idea perhaps, but the proposal makes little intellectual, fiscal, or maritime sense.
The idea is certainly laudable. The Navy—along with the rest of the services—desperately needs better near-work housing options for service members.
For sailors staffing a ship during a refit, nearby waterfront lodging offers a huge quality of life improvement. Any ship undergoing a major refit is dangerous, loud, and no place for a sailor to live full-time. Also, as sailors participate in the refit itself, working days in a shipyard can get punishingly long, and an hours-long commute to-and-from lower-cost housing does little good for anybody.
While the need is great, redundant cruise ships are no way to resolve the military’s housing shortages. For the Navy, it is far better to integrate as much permanent lodging into naval shipyards as possible.
In other situations where permanent shore lodging is unavailable, accommodation barges are a far better option. But rather than just “recapitalize” the Navy’s ancient berthing barge fleet, replacing roach-infested World War II-era barges for minimally updated copies, Navy leaders might be well-served to expend political capital to demand berthing barges with better designs, amenities, and services.
It’s fine for some bow-tied think-tank staffer to dream about the Navy buying a full-fledged cruise ship as a nice shipyard refuge, but, sadly, the facts get in the way.
The proposal’s costs are prohibitive, and, when Congress is factored in, America will save neither money nor time tinkering with old cruise ships. It will take years to get foreign-built ships modified to meet U.S. and Navy standards, and then, after all the heartache, the Navy will have little more than some pricey and polluting white elephants, more suited for a scrapyard than a shipyard.
Even worse, the idea that surplus commercial-specification cruise ships could be used as “auxiliary hospital ships, transport vessels for troops available at short notice” or “forward base berthing and repair vessels, as well as emergency command ships with space for operations centers” is simply laughable. The days when U.S. cruise ships were designed with an eye towards easy military conversion are long gone. Anyone with real waterfront experience knows a cruise ship conversion to a repair ship or hospital vessel would be a disastrous money pit.
Right now, Philly Shipyard, the only U.S. shipyard currently building a vessel with the potential to easily evolve into a wide array of specialty hulls, is stepping away from government business, and seems set to halt future efforts to evolve the 5-ship National Security Multi-Mission Vessel project. But, on that issue, or on the issue of two U.S.-built classes of berthing barges, the Center for Maritime Strategy was strangely silent. America’s industrial base was almost completely ignored.
The Navy Can Easily Offer Sailors Better Lodging:
It is, frankly, stunning that the Navy’s four big shipyards failed to integrate some sort of permanent barracks or other lodging arrangement for visiting crews.
The military can build new housing in even the most challenging of markets. In 2012, the Navy commissioned the $64 million John William Finn Hall, a LEED Gold barracks that gives 528 enlisted sailors a place to live in pricey San Diego. There’s no reason something similar can’t work in the shipyard towns of Norfolk, Pearl Harbor, Portsmouth, and Puget Sound.
Permanent lodging facilities aren’t romantic, but they are the most economical choice. Rather than pay to operate and maintain a cruise ship or some other floating contrivance, an effort to make a hotel-like facility a permanent feature at every shipyard is long overdue. Given that the Navy is putting their four big shipyards through a massive multi-billion-dollar refresh, the cost to build permanent local lodging for shipyard “guests” is little more than a rounding error. Frankly, it should have been done long ago, back when Center for Maritime Strategy staffers were on active duty and could have done something about it.
Accommodation barges offer the Navy another viable option to expand waterfront housing options. The Navy’s “berthing barges”, an aging fleet of heavily-used craft built largely between 1944 to 1946, have rightfully earned a terrible reputation. That is changing as the eighty-year old craft are being replaced by either modern $40 million APL-67 barges, capable of housing some 537 enlisted and 74 officers, or by $18 million Yard, Repair, Berthing and Messing (YRBM) barges that can serve as a home for 199 sailors apiece.
This isn’t rocket science. Accommodation barges are common features throughout the maritime, supporting shipyards or big development projects in remote areas. With a modern design, they offer comfortable, hotel-like lodging to all kinds of workers in all kinds of locales. In the UK, government officials plan to house 500 migrants in a chartered accommodation barge from maritime accommodation specialist, Bibby Marine. Even better, the per-person cost is only around $62.27 dollars a day—a fraction of the $202 daily lodging rate for Hawaii. In fact, the barge’s most recent customer was the U.S. Navy, who last used the craft to accommodate workers and sailors.
If the two classes of berthing barges currently under construction in the U.S. are still considered unsuitable, then the Navy can try a different tack, formally examining the Bibby Marine offerings, or, potentially, by building out a speculative joint venture with housing-stressed California State Polytechnic University at Humboldt. That harbor-side college is looking to house students in barges, so it might be a good investment to design a berthing barge that tries to meet both the livability demands of California college students and more utilitarian naval requirements.
Cruise Ships Are Often Comfy, But Comfort Comes With Costs:
Certainly, the Navy has used old cruise ships to supplement housing before. The Center for Maritime Strategy cites an example from the Mediterranean, where the “former Ukrainian cruise ship” (or, more specifically, a converted cruise ferry) MV Delfin, was used “in a seven-month overhaul period in the Viktor Lenac shipyard located in Rijeka, Croatia,” relieving sailors of a 90-minuite commute to secure shoreside lodging. Another old cruise ship, the 1930’s era SS Britanis, served as a floating barracks for Guantanamo, Cuba in the mid-1990s.
The Center for Maritime Strategy lauded MV Delfin’s accommodations, writing that sailors “got staterooms instead of bunks” and “got to use the former cruise ship’s facilities, other than the casino that was closed”.
Cruise ships can be useful in a pinch. Thousands of Ukrainian refugees were temporarily housed on cruise ships across Europe. Rotterdam sent refugees to a fully-staffed cruise ship, moored in the city center. The floating city quickly became a cohesive, functional community, where “there were even librarians to read to the kids when they weren’t using the playrooms, basketball courts, or tennis courts.” The ship’s amphitheater became a community theatre.
But cruise ships and cruise ship staterooms are not equal. Cruise ships can be dark, stifling places. In Scotland, Ukrainian refugees that were housed in one of two contracted cruise ships were stuffed into rooms offering only 21 square feet per person—smaller than UK prison cells. Conditions were so bad that the the UK Red Cross issued a report, describing the ship as “inappropriate housing”, and noting that the more than 2,400 refugees were on ships “situated in isolated docks and the majority of rooms on one of them are windowless.”
Cruise ships are quite costly, as well. In the UK, the Ukraine refugee aid effort, a two-and-a-half year contract for the use of two cruise ships, cost the government up to $125 million.
In the United States, U.S. experience in chartering cruise ships has been rocky, at best. The Federal Emergency Management Agency routinely turns to cruise ship companies to house displaced people or recovery workers. The contracts cost a lot, and are routinely criticized.
In 2019, Carnival Cruise Lines reportedly got almost $75 million for a four-month charter. After the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, FEMA paid $236 million for a six-month charter of three cruise ships, leading the Washington Post to quip that even if the underutilized ships were at full capacity, “the price per evacuee would total $1,275 a week” at a time when a “seven-day western Caribbean cruise out of Galveston can be had for $599 a person—and that would include entertainment and the cost of actually making the ship move.”
With everything from ship emissions standards to vessel technology in flux, this is no time to saddle the Navy with surplus cruise ships. Let’s focus on improving military housing options in general. Then let’s support the shipyards currently building berthing barges, and look at evolving the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel project, so a less-busy yard can easily use the design as a template for mid-sized hospital ships, troop carriers, and vessel tenders.
Buying old cruise ships will not work. It is high time for the Center for Maritime Strategy, replete with former NATO or U.S. 6th Fleet experience, to wake up and realize that a lot of what worked once for Naples will have a tough time transferring to Norfolk.