Biden Incorrectly Says He Has 4 Granddaughters (He Has 5) In Latest Gaffe


President Joe Biden incorrectly stated he has four granddaughters, when really he has five, at a White House event Friday, in the latest major gaffe from the 80-year-old president as his critics increasingly attack him over his age and propensity for verbal blunders.

Key Facts

Hosting the NCAA-championship-winning LSU women’s basketball team at the White House on Friday, Biden said “all the real athletes” in his family are women, stating he has four granddaughters, though he did not name any of them.

Biden made the comment while praising the rise of women’s sports in the U.S., saying, “the way in which women’s sports has come along is just incredible.”

Surprising Fact

The misstatement comes just weeks after an Arkansas judge ordered the president’s son, Hunter Biden, to answer questions about his finances in a child support dispute with Lunden Roberts, the mother of his four-year-old daughter—whom he has never acknowledged publicly, multiple outlets reported.

Key Background

Biden has come under fire for a series of vocal gaffes and slurred words in recent months, as Republican lawmakers question his age heading into the 2024 presidential elections. If elected to a second term, Biden, who launched his campaign last month, would be 86 if he completes that term, making him by far the oldest sitting president in U.S. history (former President Ronald Reagan—the second-oldest—was 77 at the end of his eight years in office). Earlier this month, Biden falsely told reporters he planned to hold a “major press conference” later that day, which White House staff clarified, saying he had been referring to a pre-scheduled interview. One month earlier, he told NBC’s Al Roker he hopes to hold “at least three or four” more White House Easter egg rolls, before adding: “Maybe five, maybe six, what the hell?” At another White House event late last year, he claimed that in 2008, he awarded his uncle the Purple Heart medal for his service in World War II, though his uncle had died a decade earlier. And as vice president, he referred to himself as the “president” at a gala in 2013.

Further Viewing

Further Reading

Hunter Biden Paternity Case: Arkansas Judge Orders President’s Son To Answer Questions About Finances (Forbes)

Biden Gaffes, Accidentally Promises A ‘Major Press Conference’ (Forbes)
