Samsung delivers esports app for Galaxy phones

Samsung has been successful in carrying out the deliverance of its latest mobile application, which is entirely for Galaxy smartphones. According to reliable sources from the company, the application was duly developed in collaboration with ONE Esports. 

It was just a short while back when Samsung, along with ONE Esports, formed an exclusive collaboration in order to carry out a survey. The concluding information gathered pointed towards the fact that there are seven out of ten online users who are hardcore gamers in Southeast Asia, as well as Oceania.  

This time over, the two companies joined their forces and individual lines of expertise to come up with a ONE Esports mobile application that they have successfully managed to deliver in the region of Southeast Asia. The application provides the option of collective and unique connectivity with esports content and also comes with a customized in-app push notification environment. 

As per the game plan Samsung, the ONE Esports mobile application will be coming pre-loaded on certain Galaxy A as well as Galaxy M smartphones that are readily available in the region of Southeast Asia. Some of the targeted models that are included in this are the Galaxy A54, along with the Galaxy A34. 

The interesting fact is that both the mentioned models are not exactly known for their power in terms of gaming handsets. This is because there is actually no real requirement for a power-packed phone for engaging with esports content. The app will be on offer in Play Store and adaptable with multiple Galaxy handsets. 

Moreover, it can enhance the overall experience of crypto and blockchain users in the realm of esports, as Samsung has already made ripples in the blockchain industry by offering dapp stores and wallets. This will make it more thrilling and immersive at esports crypto betting sites.

The ONE Esports application will be made available in places such as Malaysia, as well as Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The highlighting aspect will, however, remain the fact that the ONE Esports content will be offered in multiple languages, which will be in English, as well as Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese. 
