After a disappointing opening last week, Vidyut Jammwal’s new Hindi film soared slightly at the ticket windows and saw a rise in collections in the second week of its release. However, the numbers still do not add up to a great score. IB71 managed $2 million in two weeks in the India market. On the other hand, the latest Hindi film 8AM Metro earned $50,000 in Indian markets on day one of the release on May 19.
8AM Metro had a limited release and is being screened at few screens across India. The collections saw an upward trend, though the numbers remained low. On Saturday, the film earned 60,000 while it shot up to $70,000 on Sunday.
Directed by Sankalp Reddy (of The Ghazi Attack fame), IB71 also stars Dalip Tahil, Nissar Khan, Vishal Jethwa and Anupam Kher in pivotal roles. The film tells the story of top Indian secret agent (Jammwal) as he ideates and headlines a special mission that eventually helped India in the 1971 India-Pakistan war.
That plotline could have been developed into an intriguing thriller, packed with edge-of-the-seat drama and action. IB71, however fails to explore even half that potential. A half-hearted script is the biggest flaw of the film, making it lose sight of the basic prerequisites of a spy. IB71 manages to have a spy dressed in British-style coats while following a suspect and trying to be covert in a region where western suits and coats are rare. The local winterwear – ‘Pherans’ are the norm in the Indian valley of Kashmir.
8AM Metro closed the first weekend short of $300,000 in the Indian markets while it made rough collections of about $4,000 over the first weekend in the U.S.. The collections dipped again on Monday and stood at mere $35,000. The film is made on an estimated budget of half a million dollars.
Written and directed by Raj Rachakonda, the film is a warm and touching story of two strangers discovering trauma bonding and recreating their indivual, separate lives in the process. Shruti Bhatnagar also co-wrote the film with Rachakonda. Featuring Gulshan Devaiah and Saiyyami Kher in lead roles, the film highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues and the value of human connection above all. Gulzar’s poetry adds to the emotional experience of the film and a brilliant act by Devaiah tops it all.
Devaiah is best known for his work in critically acclaimed Hindi films such as A Death in the Gunj and Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota. His work in the popular movie Badhaai Do also made his famous among the masses. Dahaad.
Meanwhile, The Kerala Story from last month saw a slight dip in the collections, after crossing the $20 million. The film is now inching closer to $25 million in three weeks of the release in India alone. In the third weekend of its release, the film earned $1 million and $1.5 million on Saturday and Sunday respectively. The film closed its first week with $10 million collection in the Indian market alone.