Animoca Brands and SuperRare Invest in Red Beard Ventures

Animoca Brands and SuperRare companies run by Marc Andreessen and Chris Dixon invested $25 Million in Red Beard Ventures. Red Beard is a Web3 venture capital firm.

Red Beard Raises $25 Million with Animoca Brands

Red Beard is a Web3 venture capital firm. Red Beard has recently raised $25 Million from established names in the industry, say Marc Andreessen and Chris Dixon via their companies, Animoca Brands and SuperRare, and others. Animoca Brands is a Web3 gaming giant and SuperRare is a non-fungible token platform.

The company has joined hands with Horizon Labs Ventures for an initiative to accelerate the adoption of Web3 technologies. The funding had a motive behind it. The main motive behind this funding round is to aid the launch of Denarii Labs. Denarii Labs is a program for accelerating tokenomics. 

The program will mainly cast its eyes on advisory services, weekly educational sessions, mentorship, launch support, and more for those launching token projects. Denarii Labs will begin in Quarter 3 this year. The lab will ensure each company receives $100,000 and build its brand. Currently, it is accepting applications for its first or inaugural cohort.

CryptoSlam The company is exploring and widening its range by investing in projects related to space exploration, climate science, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, fintech, and biotech. On this, Drew said that he is used to raising money. He has been a founder since age 19 and has raised money a lot from a young age.  

The project is built primarily to connect with early-stage projects in the fields of decentralized protocols, novel blockchain technology, decentralized finance, and Web3 gaming infrastructure. 

Drew said that this will bring more audience than it is expected. It will bring greater mass than NFT DeFi had till now. But with a greater audience comes great responsibility, the audience must have some expectations. They might be expecting better or more scalable infrastructure, better user experience, better on-ramping, interoperability across chains, and a lot of such stuff. 

Austin credited investors for his success. He says the investors were tied to an early interest in the project in the field of NFT, DeFi, and blockchain technology which proved to be very beneficial for his personal journey. 

He further added that he had played several roles like collector, builder, etc. and he loves to see things from so many different angles. He terms it as a competitive and unique advantage. 

Nancy J. Allen
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