More Than 700 US Banks Facing ‘Significant Safety and Soundness Risk’ Due to Massive Unrealized Losses: Federal Reserve

Newly released data from the Federal Reserve has revealed that more than 700 American banks face significant safety and soundness risks due to massive unrealized losses on their balance sheets. The report, which includes self-reported data compiled in February, shows that more than 700 banks have self-reported unrealized losses that exceed 50% of their capital.

Banks have been trying to avoid further losses for months, including changing the accounting treatment of their securities, hedging interest rate risk, and retaining more tangible capital. However, the Federal Reserve points to its interest rate rises as the catalyst for the losses.

“Banks with large unrealized losses face significant safety and soundness risks. Securities have traditionally been used for liquidity purposes; Today, the unrealized losses are causing some banks to face tough choices….”

As the interest rate environment continues to rise, financial risks are increasing for many banks. The Fed is concerned with banks that have investment portfolios with large unrealized loss positions. As rates rise, investment portfolios, which have traditionally been a source of liquidity, will be further limited.

This situation has forced banks to make difficult choices, including reliance on higher-cost wholesale funding or curtailing lending. The Federal Reserve’s report also warns that higher-than-anticipated deposit outflows and limited available contingency funding may exacerbate the situation.

To address these challenges, banks have begun to take proactive measures to mitigate risk. This includes implementing more sophisticated risk management strategies, enhancing credit risk assessments, and more robust stress testing frameworks.

Overall, the Federal Reserve’s report serves as a reminder that the financial industry is highly dynamic and can be subject to rapid changes in market conditions. Banks must proactively assess and manage risks to remain safe and sound. The challenges highlighted in this report should serve as a wake-up call for the industry to take action before it is too late.

