A replacement for today’s social media

A decentralized app that allows users to create content with 100% of data privacy

Today, with the broadest accessibility and availability of traditional centralized social media behemoths like  Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter the creators and users are sick of the problem i.e. data mining, preferential treatment, and information manipulation. Here, BitOrbit enters to fill the gap and tackle the problem along with various unique properties.

What is BitOrbit?

BitOrbit, a decentralized social media, and content monetization platform is going to be launched by the Velas, a Swiss blockchain provider. This network will provide the users and creators with a platform where they can create, share, and sell their content. It will not only tackle the flaws of traditional social media but it provides various unique properties of Blockchain technology like embedded and encrypted chat function, and personalized services.

It is one of the first DApps to use the high-speed smart contract platform that supports up to 75,000 transactions per second (TPS) and incorporates cutting-edge AI-assisted delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) technology. It is built on the Velas blockchain. As a Solana fork with a consensus system that is automatically optimized to maximize speed, security, and effectiveness, Velas is able to avoid the bottlenecks and congestion that older platforms experience.

The core team behind Velas is also working on BitOrbit. Alex Alexandrov, co-founder and CEO of Velas and a well-known figure in the blockchain community, is one of the project’s most notable team members. Roman Cherednik, the chief technology officer at Velas, is also a highly skilled developer with more than ten years of experience working for tech companies.

Features that make BitOrbit unique

BitOrbit is designed for social media users and influencers who want to reclaim their privacy while still reaping the benefits of traditional social media. It intends to accomplish this through a novel combination of blockchain technology, community-contributed applications and content, and a community-governed operational ethos.

In addition to this, it has a variety of features that set it apart from the competition. These consist of:

Decentralized features

Decentralized blockchain technology allows BitOrbit to provide a number of features that centralized platforms are unable to. This includes peer-to-peer payments, truly anonymous group chats through private groups, and censorship-free video streaming options. 

Intuitive user experience

Accessibility is one of the main factors contributing to social media’s current popularity. Making an account and starting to share content are usually incredibly simple. By offering a user interface and onboarding process that are intuitive and reminiscent of today’s most popular social media apps, BitOrbit replicates this experience without any of the usual issues that are concealed beneath the surface. 

Available everywhere

As a decentralized social media platform built on the permissionless Velas blockchain, BitOrbit is intended to be usable by anyone, anywhere, even in nations like China where social media apps are subject to local regulations. 

Low initial market capitalization

BitOrbit wants to be accessible to stakeholders in keeping with its objective of accessibility for users. As a result, it will begin trading with a market capitalization of $168,000, giving it the space to grow and reach its true value. To put this in perspective, Decentralised Social, the largest blockchain-based social media platform currently in use, has a market cap of more than $800 million.

Fully private

BitOrbit wants to re-emphasize privacy as a platform that allows users to regain control over their social experience. In keeping with this, it gives users complete control over what they share and when they share it, letting them decide exactly what other people see when they visit their social profile.

The goal of BitOrbit is to offer an all-in-one social media platform that combines the best features of well-known social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram into a single blockchain-powered solution. From the beginning, BitOrbit will place a strong emphasis on the business side of social media, providing creators with the resources they need to produce, market, and share both free and premium content with their audience without the need for centralized middlemen. Users and creators will be able to transact using a variety of cryptocurrencies thanks to this use of the built-in wallet. 

The developers of BitOrbit want to create a top-notch product that can compete with the appearance, usability, and accessibility of the most widely used social media apps available today. BitOrbit has been in development since Q4 2020, and it is now getting closer to going public.

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/04/29/bitorbit-a-replacement-for-todays-social-media/