Struggling U.S. Merchant Fleet, Critical To National Security, Needs More Federal Support

Over the last half-dozen years, the U.S. political system has embraced industrial policy to a far greater extent than previously in modern times.

The Trump administration imposed limits on the import of steel and aluminum to protect flagging domestic industries, led a campaign to punish China’s top telecom company for misbehavior, and revised corporate tax rates to align them more closely with rates prevailing in other industrialized countries.

The Biden administration kept the Trump industrial initiatives in place while adding sizable subsidies for domestic production of computer chips and electric vehicles—even as it recast antitrust policies to curb the perceived excesses of Big Tech and other industries.

All of these efforts are connected in one way or another to the economic challenge posed by China, and the potential consequences for national security.

Many economic sectors where similar concerns arise do not lend themselves easily to an industrial-policy response. For instance, during the global pandemic U.S. policymakers became alarmed at the dependence of U.S. consumers on antibiotics and painkillers made in China, or in India with Chinese precursors.

However, reliance on offshore sources of pharmaceuticals is traceable in large part to drugs going off-patent, and the price of generic replacements falling to a level where domestic production becomes unattractive. Any federal fix for this situation would likely require hefty subsidies to domestic producers and/or higher prices for consumers.

Among the limited number of economic sectors where the Chinese challenge to national security stands out as a problem lending itself to political solution, the U.S. merchant marine is especially noteworthy.

The United States is heavily dependent on oceangoing transport to support both its military posture and its economic strength. In wartime, 90% or more of military goods are moved to and from war zones by sea. Meanwhile, vast flows of minerals and manufactured goods not readily available within U.S. borders must be transported from abroad.

U.S. interests own one of the largest merchant fleets in the world—1,785 vessels of a thousand gross tons or more—however many of them are not registered in the U.S. or crewed by U.S. nationals. The actual U.S.-flag fleet of oceangoing commercial vessels currently totals only 177 vessels, most of which operate on protected domestic routes.

Although the Navy and Department of Transportation maintain a sizable fleet of commercial vessels suitable for use in military emergencies, they depend on industry to operate most of these ships, and would need to charter additional privately-owned vessels to sustain a prolonged military sealift operation.

The Department of Transportation has estimated that in a drawn-out sealift operation, the nation might lack a sufficient number of merchant mariners to operate both the ships transporting military cargo and those engaged in seaborne commerce.

This raises a host of questions concerning how the fleet might operate in a protracted military conflict. Would foreign-owned vessels be available? Would foreign crews be adequately trained? Would reliance on ships registered in other nations present security problems?

The Navy has in place a three-part plan to modernize the aging government-owned sealift fleet. It is a good plan, but it assumes the availability of a sizable merchant fleet and workforce to be viable in wartime.

The Navy can’t say for sure how many of its own sealift vessels or those suitable for military use in the commercial fleet might be lost operating in contested waters during wartime. It also doesn’t address the need for oceangoing transport of non-military cargoes vital to the economy in wartime if foreign vessels are not an option.

There is only one definitive solution to all these uncertainties, and that is to have a sizable commercial fleet that is registered in the U.S., operated by U.S. companies, and crewed by U.S. nationals.

Today, that fleet does not exist. To put the challenge in perspective, less than 2% of U.S. seaborne trade moves on ships with those characteristics, and the size of the U.S. flag fleet (as measured in deadweight tonnage) has declined by a third since 2000.

The entire U.S.-flag fleet of oceangoing commercial vessels currently totals 8,450,000 deadweight tons. That is about 13% of the 63,000,000 tons added to the global merchant fleet during a single year in the pandemic.

Thus, while the United States is one of the world’s biggest trading nations, its seaborne commerce moves mainly on vessels registered in other nations and crewed by foreign nationals.

This could have catastrophic consequences for national security in a future war, because there isn’t enough domestically-controlled and registered shipping to meet all needs, and the nation lacks the kind of shipbuilding industry needed to fill the gap quickly.

Congress has, since the earliest days of the republic, taken steps to preserve an adequate fleet by reserving domestic routes for U.S.-flag vessels, creating cargo-preference rules for government sponsored cargoes, and subsidizing militarily useful commercial ships that can be available in wartime.

But all of these measures have not maintained a sufficiently sizable oceangoing fleet to meet national needs in a prolonged conflict. Washington must either take additional steps to grow the domestic fleet or run the risk of losing a war for lack of enough ships and mariners.

The most attractive solution would be to adjust cargo-preference laws so that a larger share of U.S. international trade must be carried on U.S.-registered vessels.

When cargo-preference requirements were scaled back by a third in 2012, the nation rapidly lost a quarter of its commercial vessels engaged in international trade.

It follows that strengthening cargo preferences would tend to increase the size of the oceangoing fleet, creating a more robust sector capable of sustaining and growing the workforce of merchant mariners available to the military in an emergency.

Some past or present contributors to my think tank may have a financial interest in growing the U.S.-flag merchant fleet.
