The Worst Show On TV Gets One More Chance To Change Our Minds Before It’s Gone For Good

The worst show on TV is almost over. A part of me might even miss it once it’s gone. Miss the preposterous, goofy, hammy melodrama of it. The inexplicable writing choices, written by people who seem to have almost no grasp on how actual human beings behave.

I’m speaking, of course, about Fear The Walking Dead, AMC’s ugly stepchild of The Walking Dead, which got rather bad itself in its final few seasons. Still, even at The Walking Dead’s lowest point, it was never as utterly stupid and absurd as Fear. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely tried. There were moments in Season 7 and 8 of The Walking Dead that came very close.

But Fear just takes the proverbial cake no matter which way you slice it. Here’s the trailer for Season 8, which will be its last, and which comes after a massive time-jump that brings its timeline closer to that of the main series:

Why do I think Fear The Walking Dead is so bad? Let me count the ways. Let’s take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

Things were pretty good—if also pretty uneven—through the end of Season 3, and even got off to a pretty good start in Season 4. I had my quibbles, especially in Season 2 which got pretty bad toward the end, but things picked up and Season 3 was one of the best of any TWD show. It was really Season 4, when new showrunners took over, that things took a turn for the worse.

I started to write about all the problems this show had and realized that to truly summarize everything, I’d need a lot more room to work, so I’m going to publish a separate piece closer to when Season 8 drops recapping all the crazy, stupid, ridiculous crap between Season 4 and 7, from ethanol tankers to beer-shaped hot-air balloons to warring documentaries and nuclear missiles. This show is truly one of the most painfully bad shows I’ve ever seen. The sheer level of incompetence required to make such a disastrous zombie drama is staggering.

But as the title of this post suggests, AMC and the show’s showrunners, writers and cast have one more chance to change my mind and prove me wrong. One more chance to stick it to the haters. To critics like me who still can’t understand why someone dying from antifreeze poisoning, wouldn’t go fill a bucket up with the ethanol leaking from the tanker, or who find Tom’s death on the bridge one of the funniest things ever filmed.

It’s a slim chance, though. These guys have made four seasons of Fear The Walking Dead. That’s already more than the original show’s run. All I predict is one more season of the same dreadful writing, magical walkie-talkies and insufferable heroes and villains. I can’t wait.
