Groundbreaking Comics Creator Trina Robbins Spearheads Planned Parenthood Benefit Anthology

Trina Robbins has been speaking out through her comics work for more than half a century, first as a voice for feminism in the boys’ club of the underground comix movement of the 1960s, and later as a comics historian documenting the neglected contributions of women to the medium. Now she’s back on the front lines with Won’t Back Down, an anthology of stories by some of today’s top creators on the importance of maintaining the right to choice in post-Dobbs America.

Robbins says she was motivated and outraged after the Supreme Court rescinded rights women had won nearly 50 years earlier when it overturned Roe v. Wade. She said she has become alarmed by increasingly repressive activities in the states and in the courts to roll back healthcare access for women.

“It’s important to fight,” said Robbins in a phone interview. “It’s not over. Every time we think we have our rights, somebody cancels it. They’ve started with choice, but they are coming for other rights next.”

Robbins decided to apply her talent, experience and connections in the world of comics to do something tangible for the cause by curating an anthology to raise money for Planned Parenthood.

“Pen and ink are our weapons in this fight,” she said. “I had done benefit books in the past, including one on pro-choice back in 1990 when the Webster decision came down, so I decided to be the instigator for this project.”

Robbins put out the word that she was seeking submissions and got an overwhelming response. The anthology features over 30 contributors and runs to nearly 100 pages. The stories include personal testimonials from women about their abortions, stories that view the issue through the lens of fantasy and superhero motifs, and some more directly political appeals. Contributors include noted artists and writers Yanick Paquette, Marguerite Sauvage, Tony Parker, Dee Cunniffe, Gene Ha, Stephanie Cooke, Barbara Randall Kesel and dozens more.

Robbins then turned to her longtime friend and publisher Ron Turner of San Francisco’s Last Gasp Comix, who said he’d publish it if she could raise the money for printing. A crowdfunding campaign to cover the $8500 printing costs is currently underway on Zoop.

“Trina is one of the most influential comic book creators, historians, and advocates of our time,” said Henry Barajas, a comics writer and editor who is working with Robbins to put the book together and is running the crowdfunding campaign. “Crowdfunding is an ideal model for a project like this not only because of the political climate but places where you can access this material are under attack. Libraries and comic book shops are targeted by pro-life fascists that have made it their top priority to restrict people’s choices.”

Barajas said that the campaign allows Robbins and her collaborators to reach comic readers directly. “The folks at Zoop have bent over backward to help make this a successful campaign, and we’re grateful for their support.”

Robbins said the once the campaign hits its target and the book is printed, it will be available in bookstores and comic shops later this year.
