Bigger Than Us | Q & A With Author Andrew Limouris

Ahead of launch of Culture Through Crisis: One Team’s Commitment to Winning with Purpose.

Culture is at the center of the Medix story. In fact, our incredible culture is what kept us going amid the chaos of COVID. By putting people first and focusing on how to meaningfully connect from afar, Medix grew in both heart and financial success. We learned to lock arms remotely and by doing so managed to continue building great leaders and creative, collaborative teams. We clung to our core values in the face of adversity, proving that our three pillars are about more than just the bottom line. We stepped up for each other, showing one another empathy like never before. We became more like family, a team so strong we can face anything together.

By doubling down on our core values to keep our team collaborative and strong, I learned so much about what it takes to keep company culture up during a crisis. It affected me so that I had to document it. In this Q&A, I talk a little more about myself and why I wrote Culture Through Crisis: One Team’s Commitment to Winning with Purpose.

1) Why was writing this book at this particular moment important to you?

Just like my first book references Caitrin’s rock, there are magical moments in time that allow individuals to lock arms and rally around something bigger than themselves. If you’ve ever experienced something similar, then you know how special these moments are.

For this particular book, there were a lot of unique things happening in the world (a global pandemic, social injustice, a critical election) and it felt like a pivotal moment in time. However, during this time of vast uncertainty, Medix’s values, purpose and teammates took over and created the best possible scenario. This story had so little to do with me as a leader, and so much to do with a team that wanted to be a part of something bigger than them.

2) What was your favorite part of the process of writing a book?

One of my favorite parts of the process of writing this book was the opportunity to collaborate with the Medix team and reflect back on their stories that weren’t top of mind when I first had the idea to write this book. Reliving so many incredible stories of locking arms and positively impacting lives, as well as learning and discovering unique and new stories that I hadn’t heard yet, made this a special book to write.

3) What did you learn through the experience? About yourself, your company and its people?

Similar to the above, I got to learn so much more about the amazing teammates we have at Medix and their unrelenting desire to positively impact lives, even in the direst of circumstances. The grit this team has, and the culture they’ve built through it, is unmatched.

4) What other books and authors inspire you?

We read a lot of books at Medix, and I have a long list of books and authors that inspire me, but I will list some of my favorites below:

  • From Values to Action (Harry Kraemer)
  • Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know (Adam Grant)
  • Great by Choice (Jim Collins) – Really all of Jim Collins’ books are great!
  • The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism (Hubert Joly)
  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (Angela Duckworth)
  • Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike (Phil Knight)
  • The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups (Daniel Coyle)
  • The Twin Thieves: How Great Leaders Build Great Teams (Lucas Jadin & Steve Jones)

5) What excites you about the book’s long-awaited launch?

The prospect of other companies being able to see tangible benefits to being really thoughtful around purpose and values. There are so many studies and articles stressing the importance of having purpose and values in a business, but never really any long-term consequences or benefits that come from having them. I’m excited for readers to discover Medix’s story.

6) What’s the first thing you will do when it hits the shelves? How will you celebrate?

This won’t be the first thing I do when the book hits shelves, but I’m really looking forward to getting creative and celebrating all the people who contributed to the book and story as a whole.

Out next month, Culture Through Crisis: One Team’s Commitment to Winning with Purpose details the strategies we put into place to pull together during a confusing time. I underline how it all made us better people, and made Medix a better company. Want to read it for yourself? You can preorder Culture Through Crisis: One Team’s Commitment to Winning with Purpose here.
