Deaton Explains Why Judge Torres Delays Ruling in Ripple vs. SEC Lawsuit

The CryptoLaw founder said the Judge is facing intense pressure as she understands the significance of the Ripple Vs. SEC ruling.

Several XRP community members have recently taken to Twitter to ask why Judge Analisa Torres is yet to issue her ruling in the lawsuit between Ripple and SEC. Following predictions from pro-XRP lawyer James Filan, many Ripple and XRP supporters expected the Judge’s ruling to come before the end of last month. However, this didn’t happen, leading to questions about the possible cause of the delay.

In a video clip making the rounds within the XRP community, CryptoLaw founder attorney John Deaton explained why Judge Torres is taking time to rule on the summary judgment of the lawsuit. 

Judge Torres Is Under Pressure

According to attorney Deaton, Judge Torres understands the significance of the lawsuit and is taking time to ensure she gets the ruling right. He expressed doubt that Judge Torres has ever been under pressure in her entire career like she has been made to face throughout the Ripple lawsuit, especially from the blockchain company. 

“What I doubt very seriously is that Judge Torres has ever felt the pressure that she is feeling right now. Ripple is sending, hey Judge look what the Judge in Voyager said, look what the Supreme Court said about fair notice, look at the SEC’s conduct, look at Binance, look at the CFTC,” Deaton was quoted as saying. 

He explained that these things are happening at a time when he and many others have asserted that the US crypto industry would get regulatory clarity from her decision in the lawsuit. 

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“So this decision is as big of a decision that this Judge has ever faced. Think about it, what other decisions are as big as this decision when it comes to global trade and finance in modern history?” 

He reiterated that the ongoing Ripple vs. SEC lawsuit is the most significant non-fraud SEC enforcement action since 1946, the period of the Howey case.

“I have said before that this case is the most significant since 1946.”

Deaton Calls for Patience

Deaton added that he does not blame Judge Torres for the pace she uses to work on the decision. Per Deaton, Judge Torres is facing intense pressure as she knows a ruling against Ripple would prompt the blockchain company to appeal the case in a higher court. He added that if the Judge grants summary judgment in favor of Ripple, she must explain the rationale behind the decision.

“So with that kind of pressure, I don’t blame Judge Torres for being very careful on how she works on this decision because if it goes against Ripple, she knows it’s going up to a conservative court, and if it is for Ripple she has to justify it,” he said.

Attorney Deaton further urged XRP community members to exercise patience because the ruling is not as easy as many think.

“So Just be patient; we are almost at the end.”

Deaton’s recent remark comes days after he said Judge Torres could take up to two months before she rules on the lawsuit. According to Deaton, who represents thousands of XRP holders in the case in the capacity of amici curiae (friend of the court), Judge Torres’ summary judgment ruling usually comes a few months after she has ruled on the Daubert motions. Based on this, Deaton said on March 31 that the ruling could take up to 60 days.

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