Today’s Wordle #654 Hints, Clues And Answer For Tuesday, April 4th

As the weather gets warmer, my mind has started to turn toward less wintry cooking. Winter is all about baked goods, soup, heavy pasta dishes and so forth. Things to warm and comfort you in the dark and frigid days and long nights.

Spring awakens a different culinary desire. Lighter fare, but also barbeque when it’s warm enough. A neighbor of mine was grilling something that smelled quite wonderful yesterday and now I have a hankering for firing up the grill, for char and red meat.

This is why I fail whenever I try to go vegetarian or vegan. I suppose it’s something deep and instinctual baked into our omnivorous DNA, but as much as I do love vegetarian dishes, it’s hard not to crave cheeseburgers and steak and slow-cooked chicken or pork or beef or really any slow-cooked meat on a tortilla or a bun or some rice. The wonderful thing about food and about cooking your own food is that the possibilities are limitless, bound only by imagination and ambition (and perhaps availability of ingredients, though the internet has revolutionized that as well).

What do you like to cook in the springtime? Let me know on Twitter or Facebook.

Alright, enough about food! Let’s do this Wordle!

How To Solve Today’s Wordle

The Hint: Comparative value. Mathematics.

The Clue: This word ends with a vowel.

The Answer:




I came so close to getting today’s Wordle in three, but it all came down to a coin-toss today and I tossed poorly. What bad luck! C’est la vie.

Most of my guesses today were inspired by some of the stuff I was fiddling around with on Midjourney. I was making this series of barbarians versus demons that led quite obviously to my opening guess. Not a great guess, either, leaving me with 232 remaining solutions.

My second guess, choir, reduced that number to only two remaining words, and at this point it was just a matter of luck. Alas, I’d just been generating some images of spaceships in orbit, and that word just felt better. I guess you should never trust your feelings because it was dead wrong. Ratio was the answer and I lost to Wordle Bot who got it in three.

That’s zero points for guessing in four and -1 for losing to the Bot for a grand total of -1. Boo!

Today’s Wordle Etymology (Via ChatGPT)

The word “ratio” comes from the Latin word “ratiō” which means “reckoning, calculation, reasoning, or proportion”. It is derived from the verb “reri” which means “to think or calculate”. The word “ratio” was adopted into English in the late 14th century, and has since been used to refer to a comparative relation between two or more things, especially in terms of their quantity, value, or measure. The concept of ratio has been used in various fields, including mathematics, science, economics, and engineering.

Play Competitive Wordle Against Me!

I’ve been playing a cutthroat game of PvP Wordle against my nemesis Wordle But. Now you should play against me! I can be your nemesis! (And your helpful Wordle guide, of course).

  • Here are the rules:1 point for getting the Wordle in 3 guesses.
  • 2 points for getting it in 2 guesses.
  • 3 points for getting it in 1 guess.
  • 1 point for beating Erik
  • 0 points for getting it in 4 guesses.
  • -1 point for getting it in 5 guesses.
  • -2 points for getting it in 6 guesses.
  • -3 points for losing.
  • -1 point for losing to Erik

I’d love it if you gave me a follow on Twitter or Facebook dearest Wordlers. Be well, and happy April!
