How to Have A More Transparent and Trusted Future – Cryptopolitan

Blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have made headlines, and for good cause. In a variety of industries, these two technologies alter how we conduct transactions, prove ownership, and build trust. In this Cryptopolitan guide, we will explore how blockchain technology and NFTs are changing the game and what this means for the future.

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology creates a chronological single source of truth for the data by chaining together encrypted pieces of data about digital assets. Blockchain is a collection of digital blocks, each having a distinct set of data that, when combined, creates a permanent and unchangeable record.

The technology makes it possible to exchange digital units of value with no central governance to overlook the transaction, like a bank or government, which is one of its primary advantages. Blockchain tech uses distributed nodes/computers to verify transactions on a consensus without the use of middlemen in a secure and transparent manner.

Various industries such as real estate and healthcare employ the technology to increase security, transparency, and traceability of their products and services. Blockchain technology, for instance, is used in the financial sector to enable quicker, more secure transactions and to lower the risk of fraud. Blockchain technology in the healthcare sector produces safe, unchangeable data that are simple for healthcare practitioners to exchange.

The technology can change the way we conduct business, prove ownership, and ensure trust across parties. As the technology advances, we are certain that it will continue to foster trust and gain more adoption.

What are NFTs?

Digital assets modeled as NFTs, signify ownership of singular, non-replicable goods including collectibles, music, and digital art. NFTs are immutable, meaning they are irreplaceable and cannot be exchanged for other items. However, they are transferable across crypto wallets. In contrast to crypto, which is a digital asset that may be exchanged for other assets of the same value.

Each NFT has a blockchain connection, making it possible to verify ownership in a secure and open manner. NFTs are employed in a variety of sectors, including gaming and the arts, to produce distinctive and collectible digital goods.

A new market for digital art has emerged because of the sale of NFTs, with some works fetching millions of dollars.

A new market for digital collectibles is being created in the gaming industry because of the usage of NFTs to produce distinctive in-game products that can be purchased, sold, and exchanged amongst gamers. NFTs are being used in the music industry to produce distinctive digital products for fans.

Blockchain technology and transparency

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how we carry out transactions, confirm ownership, and build trust across many industries. Transparency and traceability are two of blockchain technology fundamental characteristics. 

By building a digital ledger or database where encrypted data blocks are kept and chained together to produce a chronological single source of truth for the data, blockchain technology offers transparency and traceability. The blocks stored by different computers/ nodes create a permanent, unchangeable ledger that, when exposed to the public/ authority, can confirm the legitimacy of transactions and ownership.

The adoption of blockchain technology has made cross-border transfers faster, less expensive, transparent, and traceable. Blockchain technology is being used by the supply chain management sector to track and trace products from the point of manufacture to the last point of sale, ensuring transparency and lowering the danger of counterfeit goods. Blockchain technology has the potential to have a big impact on transparency, which builds up trust. 

Users can conduct transactions securely and transparently without the use of any middlemen, such as governments or banks, by using instructions coded on the blockchain. By trusting the technology, users are sure that their transactions are secure and their data is not altered. 

The advancement of blockchain technology will cause a more decentralized and democratic trust system, where individuals and groups have absolute control over their data and financial decisions.

NFTs and provenance

One of the key advantages of NFTs is their ability to provide provenance, which is important for ensuring trust and transparency in the market. NFTs are changing the way we view and collect digital art and other collectibles.

Provenance refers to the verifiable history of an asset, including information about its creator and previous owners. By embedding the ownership history of an asset in an NFT, buyers can have access to a detailed record of the asset’s history. This can help to ensure that the asset is authentic and has not been copied or duplicated.

Provenance can also help to ensure transparency in the market. By providing a detailed record of an asset’s ownership history, buyers can be confident that they are purchasing an asset from a legitimate source. Provenance data can help to prevent fraud, as it provides a verifiable trail of ownership that can track down stolen assets.

Provenance can impact the value of an NFT. Assets with a clear and verifiable provenance can be seen as more valuable than those without one, as it provides a level of authenticity and credibility that can be difficult to replicate. This can also result in a premium being placed on assets with an embedded artwork provenance.

NFTs as digital collectibles

One of the key benefits of using NFTs as digital collectibles is the transparency they provide. Because NFTs are stored on a blockchain, it is possible to track the ownership history of a digital collectible. This makes it easy to verify the authenticity of a digital collectible and ensure that it is not a counterfeit.

In addition, the use of NFTs as digital collectibles can help to prevent fraud. Because each NFT is unique and cannot be duplicated, it is impossible for someone to create a fake digital collectible and pass it off as the real thing. Overall, the use of NFTs as digital collectibles provides a transparent and secure way for people to buy, sell, and trade unique digital assets.

NFTs as utility tokens

A utility token is a type of digital asset that provides access to a specific product or service.

NFTs can be used as utility tokens to represent access to a particular product or service. For example, an NFT could represent a ticket to a concert or access to a premium feature in an online game.

One of the key benefits of using NFTs as utility tokens is the transparency they provide. Because NFTs are stored on a blockchain, it is possible to track the ownership history of a utility token. This makes it easy to verify that someone has the right to access the product or service represented by the token.

In addition, the use of NFTs as utility tokens can help to prevent fraud. Because each NFT is unique and cannot be duplicated, it is impossible for someone to create a fake utility token and pass it off as the real thing. Overall, the use of NFTs as utility tokens provides a transparent and secure way for people to access specific products or services.

Companies using NFTs to ensure transparency

Here is a description of how some of the companies use NFTs:

  1. Nike: Nike has started to use NFTs as a way to certify the veracity of a pair of sneakers. Purchasing a pair of the brand’s shoes uploads a digital version of the product into your ‘virtual locker’ under an initiative they have named Cryptokick. 
  2. Budweiser: Budweiser launched its first non-fungible token (NFT) sale, The Heritage Collection, featuring 1,936 unique Budweiser digital beer can designs. These distinct, generative art NFTs showcase iconic cans throughout the brewery’s rich history.
  3. McLaren: McLaren is joining the ranks of other automakers pursuing digital engagement by releasing NFTs and creating exclusive content through its metaverse-based MSO LAB. MSO LAB is an online community where members can interact with various teams at the automaker and get early access to NFT drops.
  4. Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon has been participating in the NFT game since as early as 2022 with digital Funko Pops of some of their popular characters. Nickelodeon’s mother company, ViacomCBS, also partnered with the NFT solutions company Recur to bring two of its biggest brands into the metaverse: ‘Hey Arnold’ and ‘The Rugrats’ as NFT collections.
  5. Gucci: Gucci has also launched several projects involving NFTs. For example, Gucci launched the Gucci Grail project with Yuga Labs in 2022. Gucci teamed up with “digital artisan” Wagmi-san to design accessories and clothing which can be used to personalize NFTs. The partnership will also extend to Otherside, the Bored Ape-themed virtual world and game.

Challenges and limitations

While blockchain technology and NFTs offer many benefits, there are still some challenges and limitations that need to be addressed for them to reach their full potential.

Technical challenges and limitations

One of the main technical challenges with blockchain technology is scalability. As the number of transactions on the network grows, the size of the blockchain also grows, making it harder for nodes to keep up with the network. Another challenge is interoperability, as different blockchains may use different protocols and standards, making it difficult to transfer assets between them. NFTs can be expensive to create and transact, which can limit their adoption.

Legal and regulatory challenges and limitations of Blockchain Technology and NFTs:

The legal and regulatory landscape for blockchain technology and NFTs is still evolving. There are concerns about the legality of smart contracts and whether they can be enforced in a court of law. NFTs can represent digital assets that may have unclear or disputed ownership rights. Regulations around cryptocurrencies and NFTs can vary widely from country to country, making it difficult to create a uniform legal framework.

Future outlook and potential solutions to challenges and limitations:

Despite these challenges and limitations, the future of blockchain technology and NFTs looks promising. Researchers are exploring new ways to improve scalability and interoperability, such as using sharding or sidechains. There is a growing interest in creating standards and protocols to enable the transfer of assets between different blockchains. On the legal and regulatory front, there is a need for greater clarity and consistency in regulations to encourage wider adoption of these technologies. This could include creating international standards for smart contracts and NFTs.

While there are still challenges and limitations facing blockchain technology and NFTs, their potential to increase transparency and trust is undeniable. As technology and regulation continue to evolve, we can expect to see more innovation and adoption of these technologies in various industries.

Future of blockchain technology and NFTs

Blockchain technology and NFTs are continuously evolving, and the future holds a lot of potential for new developments. According to IBM Blockchain team predictions, soon, pragmatic governance models will emerge to enable large and diverse consortia to approach decision-making.

These developments could have a big impact. Blockchain technology and NFTs have the potential to boost trust in a variety of industries, including arts, finance, and healthcare, as they are ‌implemented. More accountability may result from increased transparency, and this may increase stakeholders’ trust in one another.


There are a lot of exciting advancements in store for blockchain technology and NFTs in the future. These technologies can open the door for a future that is more open and trustworthy as they develop and become more widely used. Blockchain technology and NFTs are revolutionizing how we conduct business and fostering a more fair and just society by providing ownership verification, provenance tracking, and safe transactions.
