Investors Rush to Back TMS Network (TMSN) As Its Presale Passes $2.5 million in Sales. Here’s Why Investors Are Choosing TMSN over Cosmos (ATOM) and Polkadot (DOT)

2023 is a year that shows far more positive sentiment toward crypto than the previous year faced, and this has resulted in great optimism for investors in crypto tokens such as Cosmos (ATOM) and Polkadot (DOT). While it may look like crypto is unstoppable this year, that may not be the case for these tokens, and this is due to the overshadowing success of TMS Network (TMSN). 

If you haven’t heard about TMS Network (TMSN) yet, you’ll probably be wondering how it could possibly outshine Cosmos (ATOM) and Polkadot (DOT). If that sounds like a secret you’d like to be a part of, read on to find out more! 

TMS Network (TMSN) 

One of the biggest problems in crypto today is accessibility – many crypto platforms are siloed, which deters traditional investors, something that TMS Network (TMSN) is actively tackling. TMS Network (TMSN) achieves this by providing a unified platform for the trading of crypto and derivatives, helping to raise interest within traditional investment circles while encouraging crypto enthusiasts to diversify into derivatives. 

This approach to diversified investment is at the core of TMS Network’s (TMSN) values – the platform also provides customer support, social trading communities, educational resources, analytic tools and many other services designed to facilitate a safe and informed investment experience. Such a user-centric approach to investing has sent the TMS Network (TMSN) presale soaring, experiencing overall gains of 1400% and a current value of $0.046

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Cosmos (ATOM)

Consumer platforms such as TMS Network (TMSN) will always be the king in terms of gains, but DeFi development providers such as Cosmos (ATOM) are important behind-the-scenes players. The Cosmos (ATOM) network consists of a matrix of DeFi apps designed on the blockchain, facilitated by its wide range of development tools. These include APIs, SDKs and CLIs, which ultimately make DeFi app development more accessible. 

However, there are two key problems that will prevent Cosmos (ATOM) from blowing up in 2023. Firstly, Cosmos (ATOM) is a niche network designed for software developers, and while this is essential, it is not as accessible as an investment platform such as TMS Network (TMSN). The second problem is that low-code DeFi app solutions are on the rise, and this is anticipated to reduce demand for Cosmos (ATOM). 

Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot (DOT) is a blockchain network designed around one core principle – interoperability. This means that the network is designed to connect with other networks, DeFi apps and development tools, which will help the network evolve over time. Polkadot (DOT) achieves this through a decentralized governance system and open-source PoS (Proof of Stake) protocol, allowing investors and developers to augment the Polkadot (DOT) network. 

There is no denying that Polkadot (DOT) is addressing the important issue of interoperability, but the token is able to achieve this through PoS blockchain technology, something that is becoming increasingly common. With an increasing amount of tokens basing their networks on the interoperability of PoS blockchains, Polkadot (DOT) is anticipating a huge rise in competition, and this will greatly slow the token down in the race against TMS Network (TMSN). 

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Final Thoughts 

Whilst there is no doubt that this year will be more positive for crypto than the last two years, that will not make tokens such as Cosmos (ATOM) and Polkadot (DOT) immune to serious competitors. The crypto landscape is evolving rapidly, and unless other tokens keep up with innovators such as TMS Network (TMSN), it will be tough to grow in the increasingly competitive market. 

So, don’t miss out on your chance to get involved in the TMS Network (TMSN) presale. The first stage of presale sold out in just two weeks, raising an additional $500,000 to the already raised $2 million. This led to the token raising in value from $0.025 to its current value of $0.046, and this is expected to only be the beginning. Don’t wait around waiting to observe TMS Network (TMSN) blow up – be a part of it! 





