Facing Your FUD Part II: Overcoming Uncertainty

In part one of Facing Your FUD, we acknowledged that no matter how knowledgeable and experienced we may be, at times, we all let Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt make us hesitate or second guess our own competence. Today, we’re going to talk about how to push past our uncertainties.

So, what does uncertainty look like? It often begins with “What if?” What if they don’t like me? What if I forget what I’m talking about in the middle of my presentation? What if my daughter falls off her skateboard and gets hurt? What if my boss doesn’t give me the promotion I want to ask for? It’s easy to “what if” ourselves into indecision and inaction. It’s much harder to push back and say, “So what if they don’t like me.” Or remind yourself that you know what you are talking about, and all that knowledge will not suddenly evaporate when you are giving your presentation, so get out there and do it. When we don’t put in the effort to push past our uncertainties, we miss out on opportunities to grow and expand our world.

A child’s uncertainty that the baseball team might not like them, can build enough doubt that they may not join the team. A parent who expresses their uncertainty with their children, “I don’t think you should skateboard; you might fall and get hurt,” teaches them to doubt their abilities and to fear what they weren’t afraid of. A professional’s feeling of uncertainty that they may not get the promotion they want, can lead them to talk themselves out of asking for the promotion. It’s never our goal to inhibit ourselves or others, but when we don’t commit to overcoming our uncertainties, that’s exactly what happens.

Let’s look at three best practices for overcoming your uncertainties.

Focus on the outcome you want. Research has proven you are 50 percent more likely to achieve a focused outcome.

  • You want a promotion – that’s your outcome that you must remain focused on.

Determine how you will achieve that outcome. Begin to build the individual actions that will get you to that result.

  • Know your why. Reflect on why you want the promotion—more money, the next step in your long-term goal, you are ready and want the additional challenges and responsibilities it brings. Whatever your motivations are, identify them.
  • Research the position and be clear on its expectations. Research all the decision-makers involved—your promotion (or not) may not be your direct supervisor’s decision to make on their own.
  • Assess your qualifications for the position. Are there skills and experience you are lacking? If so, determine how you will acquire them or compensate for their lack.
  • Build your case. Why should you be given the promotion, what makes you the right person for the job? Highlight your strengths and all that you bring to the table.

Commit to do what it takes to win.

  • You’ve done your homework: You know what you want, why you want it, and have confidence in your readiness to be successful in the position—you took control and vanquished your uncertainties! Now it’s time to act.
  • Schedule a time to meet with your boss.
  • Practice what you will say and how you will respond to potential questions.
  • Take a deep breath and go sell your best self!

These best practices, applied to any outcome you’re striving for, will prepare you for uncertainties when they do show up and give you the power to vanquish them just as quickly. So, the next time you find yourself thinking, “What if I can’t … , or what if this doesn’t … ,” push that thought aside and re-focus on your desired outcome and how to make it happen. You know what happens next.

Take action!

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2023/03/28/facing-your-fud-part-ii-overcoming-uncertainty/