How Can Technology Developers Make Blockchain More Useful? – Cryptopolitan

For decades, the tech industry has been dominated by groundbreaking innovations, paradigm shifts, and talented individuals who want to push the boundaries of what’s possible. As a developer, you’re no stranger to this world. You’re constantly on the lookout for the next big thing, and right now, that “thing” seems to be blockchain.

So, why are developers like you migrating to the blockchain sphere in droves? Simply put, it offers an unparalleled blend of opportunity, innovation, and challenge that a developer can’t seem to resist. Let’s dive deeper into the key reasons behind this growing trend and its implications for the blockchain industry. Let’s first start with why more tech developers move into blockchain jobs.

Why are tech developers moving into blockchain?

Big demand, less competition 

Blockchain, though based on older principles such as cryptography and hashing, is a relatively novel and constantly evolving field. It gained significant traction in 2009, when the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, introduced it as a system for peer-to-peer transactions. Concepts like programmable money and smart contracts emerged around 2015-2016, big thanks to the Ethereum blockchain.

Given its short history of just over a decade, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy. The number of blockchain developers is relatively small compared to other areas. Developers began exploring the field and applying their skills around 2016, coinciding with the introduction of smart contracts by the Ethereum founders. As a result, the blockchain domain has far fewer competitors than more established development sectors such as web, mobile, gaming, or desktop applications.

As of 2023, if you possess blockchain development expertise, you can confidently consider yourself part of a highly exclusive group of proficient coders in this niche.

The financial incentive 

It’s no secret that the blockchain industry has been lucrative for those who have taken the plunge. With cryptocurrencies reaching all-time highs, and blockchain-based projects raising millions in funding, developers have a golden opportunity to cash in on their skills. From creating decentralized apps (dApps) to working on next-gen financial platforms, there’s no shortage of projects that can lead to significant financial rewards.

The job market and salaries for software development, like any other industry, are dictated by the forces of supply and demand.

In a nutshell, this implies that if there’s a surge in demand for a specific development field, the number of available developers (supply) should correspondingly rise to meet that demand.

However, this isn’t the current situation. With thousands of ongoing projects and growing interest from institutions (such as banks, governments, and fintech companies) in the blockchain and crypto space, the demand is escalating. Yet, there’s a limited pool of skilled developers in this field.

This means that, as an accomplished blockchain developer in 2022 (and the foreseeable future), you’ll have access to a wealth of opportunities. What’s more, due to the supply and demand dynamics mentioned earlier, you’re likely to secure contracts with substantially higher pay rates.

First movers advantage 

Being among the first to offer technology or service in the blockchain sector provides a competitive advantage. This is obvious with the success of Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have maintained market dominance due to their inventors’ ability to recognize and address the decentralization challenges. However, following deeper study, it is evident that these blockchains are not perfect solutions, since there are alternative blockchain initiatives with greater technology and unique features. Nonetheless, Bitcoin and Ethereum have an edge since they were early adopters with a well-established network effect.

Blockchain developers have a special chance to develop and use solutions that don’t already exist in the market. This implies that you may become a pioneer in the field and gain the advantages of being an early adopter if you effectively build solutions that address actual challenges in the business.

Furthermore, the disparity between the demand for professional blockchain engineers and the restricted quantity of accessible talent offers an advantageous climate for those wishing to capitalize on their abilities. As a result, blockchain engineers frequently find themselves in a position to negotiate better compensation and acquire more appealing contracts.

The allure of innovation and decentralization 

Blockchain technology represents a significant departure from existing centralized systems, promoting openness, security, and justice through a decentralized alternative. Developers are drawn to blockchain because of its inventive nature and the possibility to design systems that are immune to censorship, tampering, and manipulation.

The promise of innovative applications and industry transformation is a primary motivator for the surge of developers into the blockchain field. From decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms to supply chain management solutions, the possibilities for innovation are seemingly endless. By embracing blockchain, developers have the chance to be part of a technological transformation that could reshape society in countless ways.

The thrill of stepping into an evolving field 

Developers are natural problem solvers, and blockchain presents a plethora of fascinating and complex challenges that demand ingenuity, creativity, and perseverance. From optimizing smart contracts to ensuring privacy and scalability in decentralized applications, blockchain offers an intellectual playground that keeps developers engaged and excited about their work.

Tackling these unique challenges not only allows developers to hone their skills and grow professionally but also gives them the satisfaction of contributing to the advancement of cutting-edge technology with a far-reaching impact.

A wide range of diverse opportunities 

The blockchain industry is very dynamic, meaning that being a developer you’re not just entitled to a single monotonous role. Since its inception, the market trend for blockchain has been continually evolving, and with the way that the market has responded and capital has blossomed, it is likely to develop at an exponential rate in the next years. As a result, many tech giants at all levels are continually seeking perfect candidates in blockchain technology. Not just tech, but other industries have been looking for ideal people as well. Some of the jobs that blockchain engineers can fit in include:

  • Cryptocurrency Analyst
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Blockchain Architect
  • Cryptocurrency Developer
  • System Engineer
  • Solution Architect
  • Project Manager
  • UX Designer
  • Blockchain Legal Consultant
  • Blockchain Analyst
  • Blockchain Quality Engineer
  • Junior Developers
  • Blockchain Security Manager
  • Blockchain Community Manager

What skills are needed to become a skillful blockchain developer? 

Becoming a blockchain developer necessitates a unique blend of technical and strategic talents. Blockchain technology is still in its early stages, and its applications are continuously expanding, making it critical for developers to stay current on industry trends and breakthroughs. Some of the important talents necessary to become a blockchain developer include:

Proficiency in Programming Languages

A blockchain developer should be proficient in programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, and Solidity. Solidity is a language specific to smart contract development on the Ethereum blockchain, so developers must be well-versed in this language.

Understanding of Distributed Systems

Blockchain is a distributed system, and developers should have a strong understanding of how distributed systems work. This includes knowledge of peer-to-peer networking, distributed databases, and consensus algorithms.


Cryptography is at the heart of blockchain technology, and a blockchain developer should have a deep understanding of cryptography concepts such as hashing, digital signatures, and public-key encryption.

Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. A blockchain developer should have experience in developing and deploying smart contracts on blockchain networks.

Understanding of Blockchain Architecture

A blockchain developer should have a strong understanding of the underlying architecture of blockchain technology. This includes knowledge of blockchain protocols, distributed ledgers, and blockchain networks.

Problem-Solving Skills

Blockchain technology is still growing, and developers will face complicated issues that will necessitate creative solutions. A blockchain developer should have good problem-solving abilities as well as the ability to think outside the box in order to generate innovative solutions.

Collaboration and Communication Skills

Blockchain development frequently necessitates the collaboration of developers, designers, and business stakeholders. A blockchain engineer should be able to work effectively in a team atmosphere and have great communication abilities.

What can you contribute as a blockchain developer?

So, the benefits go two ways, once the tech developers are with the blockchain industry, they must apply all their skills to make the industry thrive and sustain its unparalleled growth in any field so far. The roles and perspectives of nine categories of stakeholders within the blockchain ecosystem, including industry pioneers, venture capitalists, developers, governments, regulators, leaders, and end users, must be so well-defined that no stone is unturned to make blockchain more useful.

Many misunderstand blockchains—even those with a strong grasp of technological concepts. For this reason, entering or transitioning into blockchain development might seem challenging. But blockchain technology is less mysterious than its reputation suggests. Through the Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases course, aspiring blockchain developers can expand their knowledge of blockchain architecture, applications, and use cases. 

Screenshot 2694
Source: Coursera


The possibility, creativity, and challenge that the blockchain world presents are too alluring for developers to pass up. It’s understandable why more developers are entering the blockchain area given the attractive incentives, the possibility of ground-breaking apps, and the joy of taking on novel tasks. Developers that embrace the blockchain revolution are in a unique position to shape the future as this technology develops.
