Everdome introduces the Jezero Lavatube Canyon

The team members of Everdome have been dedicatedly and, with a lot of extra effort, trying to give the finishing touches to their new in-world location, the Martian angle of the surreal metaverse project. They happen to be in the process of completing the overall detailing factors related to the look and feel of the landscape of Mars surrounding Everdome City. The introduction of the Jezero Lavatube Canyon will give a sneak preview of what one can expect when the project is completed.  

As an absolutely integral part of the overall narration of the interplanetary adventure of Everdome, the Jezero Lavatube Canyon happens to be an enigmatic, as well as an absolutely realistic depiction of the Martian scenario. In the beginning, the setting up of the Everdome City and the work involved in putting together the overall effect, there was the requirement of a road, along with a method of transportation, which would be passing over a crater and moving towards the Jezero Spaceport. 

In the midst of all of this, the surveyors happened to have come across a big-sized lava tube that was created from the lava that was flowing from a volcano. The surveyors understood the inherent risk factors pertaining to the lava tube giving way and formulated a way to go around the problem. However, certain miscalculations had taken place, resulting in the ultimate breakdown of the lava tube. This was followed by grave consequences. 

It so happened that, following the mishap, a sinkhole happened to have appeared and which was responsible for pulling in all of that which surrounded it. There was a great deal of loss in terms of equipment. The overall work happened to have slowed down, and it took a while and a lot of effort to bring everything back on track. The Jezero Lavatube Canyon began to emerge, which was undoubtedly magnificent in every way. Following this, the engineers of Everdome managed to lay out a new road, along with a monorail track, over the fallen portion of the Lavatube. This road happens to be spread over the entire built-up area of the surface of Mars. 

The Jezero Lavatube Canyon happens to be one of many in-world destinations created by Everdome. It is filled with activities related to unique mineral mining, as well as the gathering of resources, leisure activities, as well as exposure to gaming inside the canyon.  

The award-winning concept artist Igor Knezevic was the one who happened to have built the Jezero Lavatube Canyon. In the past, he happened to have been involved with Star Trek, which included Picard, passengers, as well as Jupiter Ascending. All of this, however, was successfully carried out under the tutelage of Leszek Orzechowski, who happens to be the Head of Science at Everdome, along with Wojciech Fikus, the Art Director. 

The vision statement of Everdome happens to be the creation of a surreal experience that will hold their targeted audience in blissful wonder, along with their community, builders, as well as landowners. They also happen to work extensively on the creation of the first Moon Skimmer test case. This happens to be only the beginning for them as they continue to work on furthering their project in every other way.     

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/everdome-introduces-the-jezero-lavatube-canyon/