Donald Trump Is ‘Out Of His Mind Scared’ About Possible Arrest

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Friday, host Joe Scarborough described former President Donald Trump as a man “out of his mind scared” and “he’s melting down” as he faces legal threats on several fronts, including the possibility of criminal charges in New York that could lead to Trump’s arrest. “This is a guy who’s shaking in his boots,” Scarborough said. “And now he’s threatening riots that will lead to death and destruction if he gets charged with a misdemeanor.”

Scarborough said Trump’s recent social media posts also show a man who is “threatening violence against a prosecutor and trying to get other people to commit acts of violence.”

Scarborough was talking about a social media post in which Trump appears holding a baseball bat alongside a photo of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and other posts where the former president seeming to suggest that his arrest would lead to “death and destruction” and be “catastrophic” for the country. Trump has previously urged his supporters to protest.

In a post to his TruthSocial platform, he said of Bragg “what kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country? Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely hates the USA!”

On CNN This Morning, Don Lemon described Trump’s attacks on Bragg as “racist,” saying Trump was “turning to his old tricks here of, you know, being racist or racist-adjacent.”

Trump’s repeated messages about Bragg—and his push for protest over a possible arrest—come as the news media in New York remain on standby, ready to capture the extraordinary story of a former president of the United States being arrested on criminal charges. The media remains camped out in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan and outside the Manhattan courthouse where a grand jury investigating Trump’s alleged payment of hush money to Stormy Daniels could result in an indictment. The timing of an arrest remains unclear, but Trump has said he expects to be arrested, and has sent out messages to his supporters asking for contributions, raising $1.5 million in just three days.

On Thursday morning on MSNBC, Scarborough accused Trump of “going full Nazi…full fascist” in his attacks on Bragg. “You’re doing the whole Jewish international banker thing and dehumanizing him as an ‘animal,’ calling him an ‘animal,’” Scarborough said.

That language—and other messages with veiled references to possibly violence should Trump be arrested—led former MSNBC prime time host Keith Olbermann to call for Trump’s immediate arrest as a “lethal and active threat” to Bragg and others in the prosecutor’s office:
