Elon Musk Demands 3 Dogecoin for Visit to Twitter HQ

The recent remarks underscore the billionaire’s affinity for Dogecoin payments.

Elon Musk, American business magnate and CEO of Twitter, once again made an allusion to Dogecoin (DOGE), particularly mentioning, in a lighthearted tone, that a visit to Twitter headquarters would cost a total of 3 DOGE.

The latest remarks came in response to an inquiry from CB Doge, a Dogecoin UX/UI, and Graphic designer who has chosen to remain anonymous. He revealed that he plans to visit the United States next month for the SpaceX Starship Launch, which Musk disclosed could occur in the third week of April.

Furthermore, DogeDesigner noted that he aims to visit Twitter headquarters in San Francisco. According to him, he was requesting permission to pay a visit. In response, Musk jokingly noted that it would cost 3 Dogecoin (valued at $0.23) to visit.


Despite the lighthearted nature of this interaction, it has caught the public’s attention, with DOGE proponents using it as an opportunity to call attention to the asset. Musk habitually makes these playful remarks about Dogecoin on occasion, underscoring his long-standing advocacy for the asset.

Musk’s Affinity to DOGE Payments

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In the past, Musk had persistently teased that Twitter would introduce a payments system and integrate Dogecoin. Following these hints, several notable influencers propagated claims that the Twitter CEO is reportedly working with developers to integrate DOGE into Twitter, but there is little evidence that suggests this.

Recall that Tesla, Elon Musk’s electric vehicle company, started accepting Dogecoin last January. Musk disclosed four months later that SpaceX, his spacecraft firm, will soon start accepting Dogecoin. In 2021, SpaceX accepted DOGE payments for its “DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon.”

Moreover, last October, Musk’s Boring Company introduced “Burnt Hair,” a fragrance product. The billionaire noted that payments for the product could be made in DOGE. Considering Musk’s affinity to DOGE payments, several proponents believe Twitter could integrate Dogecoin in the future, but this remains to be seen.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/03/23/elon-musk-demands-3-dogecoin-for-visit-to-twitter-hq/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=elon-musk-demands-3-dogecoin-for-visit-to-twitter-hq