U.S. Government Sets Bold Goals For The U.S. Bioeconomy – Including A Target For 30% Of Bio-Based Chemicals

Back in September, President Biden inked a new executive order setting the government on a bold new course for creating a national biostrategy. One of the first tasks assigned to each of the government agencies was to develop goals that outline how they plan to realize the vision of a bio-based economy. Yesterday the White House issued a report highlighting just that.

Spearheaded by Georgia Lagoudas, Senior Advisor for Biotechnology and Bioeconomy at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy who is responsible for implementing the Executive Order, the document contains a number of specific strategies developed by agencies like the USDA, NIH, NSF, DOE, and DOD for introducing climate change solutions, food and agriculture innovation, supply chain resilience, human health, as well as cross-cutting advances that can have an impact across all those sectors. Representatives from those agencies spoke at the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLC) panel this week, outlining their plans to tackle these ambitious goals.

The panel was led by Lagoudas, who will be speaking at the SynBioBeta Conference in Oakland, CA, this May, along with other government representatives talking about prioritizing the bioeconomy and how we can achieve these goals through a coordinated effort. The speakers highlighted a number of important ways to harness the power of biology, including leveraging biodiversity, enhancing the design and production of biological systems, expanding the capability to build and measure these systems, developing new biomanufacturing approaches, scaling up novel technologies, and translating them into products.

Sustainable agriculture and chemicals

Drilling down to some more concrete goals, the report highlights the need to decarbonize the chemicals and materials industries, develop more carbon-neutral transportation and fuels, introduce more sustainable agricultural practices, and remove CO₂ from our atmosphere.

Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, who is Director of the Office of Science at the U.S. Department of Energy pointed out that there are 200+ million acres of non-producing land in the US available for carbon-negative feedstocks that could be converted into useful materials. Dr. Karama Neal from the Rural Business-Cooperative Service of USDA also focused on the importance of accelerating research into climate-smart feedstocks that secure the nation’s food supplies and can serve as building blocks for the materials, chemicals, and biomolecules made with biology.

One of the goals outlined in the report is: “In 20 years, produce at least 30% of the U.S. chemical demand via sustainable and cost-effective biomanufacturing pathways.” Gaurab Chakrabarti, CEO of Solugen, a company working to decarbonize the chemical industry, thinks that is an achievable goal, especially if the government gets involved: “We have already seen this with solar, EVs, and fuels. Ethanol was mandated to be blended into fuels. Why can’t chemical products have that?”

“I’d argue this is the start of the ‘chemical transition’ where we move from petro- to bio-based chemicals,” Chakrabarti says. “What this will look like in the next few years is starting to blend more bio-based chemicals into traditional products to decrease the need for petrochemicals.”

Accelerating innovation in cell-based therapies

Another goal set by NIH is: “In 20 years, decrease the manufacturing cost of cell-based therapies 10-fold.” Arguably, this ambitious target requires a coordinated effort and technology transfer between industries – for example, by using the tools developed by the field of synthetic biology to design and manufacture cell-based therapies.

Dr. Tara Schwetz, the Acting Principal Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), pointed out the need to capitalize on these innovations to bring down the cost of cell-based therapies:

“As we discussed in the report, the industry should prioritize building new technologies to increase the efficacy of cell-based therapies,” said Schwetz. “For instance, we can use biomaterials, nanomaterials, synthetic biology, or other approaches to allow for these therapies to be better priced, safer, and more readily available to everyone across the U.S.”

Investment in technology and infrastructure development

Lagoudas emphasized that “only by setting bold goals and driving towards those goals can we deliver on the promise of the bioeconomy.” She thinks the bold vision outlined in the reports can only be made possible through the combined effort from the U.S. government agencies, industry, academic and non-profit sectors who participate in creating a vibrant ecosystem dedicated to advancing the national bioeconomy goals.

“When we talk about these public-private partnerships, we need to think not only about funding but also shared resources,” says Dr. Erwin Gianchandani NSF’s assistant director for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships. In his opinion, many resources that have already been developed could be leveraged to stimulate innovation in adjacent areas. “We have these large datasets, testbed environments, prototyping environments, and other resources. The big question is – how do we unlock those and make them available to the broader ecosystem?”

This is where the government can play a significant role to facilitate collaborations and enable access to resources to stimulate innovation and revolutionize entire industries – from chemicals, fuels, and materials to food and medicines. Organizations like BioMADE and BioFabUSA play a big role in fostering the ecosystem where industry, academia, and government work together to solve the big challenges we face. In addition, they help establish biomanufacturing priorities to guide research efforts and invest in the “fundamental” type of research that can have broad implications across many sectors.

“We need action now both from within the federal government but also outside of the government,” said Lagoudas. “This is the only way we can reach these goals and we hope to find opportunities for collaboration with the private sector.”

The full PDF report can be accessed here.

Thank you to Katia Tarasava for additional research and reporting on this article. I’m the founder of SynBioBeta and some of the companies I write about are sponsors of the SynBioBeta conference and weekly digest.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johncumbers/2023/03/23/us-government-sets-bold-goals-for-the-us-bioeconomy–including-a-target-for-30-of-bio-based-chemicals/