OKB, OP, and APT Very Close To Setting New All-Time Highs

  • Three altcoins seem to be the frontrunners in the transition into a bullish market.
  • In order for OKB to reach a new ATH, the altcoin will have to rally about 14%.
  • APT could push forward and breach $18.50 and set a new all-time high.

Although the crypto market is still in a bearish cycle, it does seem that cryptos across the board are trading within their respective parallel price channels which suggests that the market could be transitioning from bearish to bullish. These three altcoins seem to be the frontrunners in this transition into a bullish market as they could reach new all-time highs (ATH) before the end of this month.

OKB is one of the very few cryptocurrencies that did not face the bears in November of 2022. This has made its ongoing rally since November possible. This rally did, however, close about two weeks ago after a 195% increase.

OKB / Tether US 1D (Source: TradingView)

In order for OKB to reach a new ATH, the altcoin will have to rally about 14% to flip the $45.6 resistance into a support. This will serve as a launchpad for further price increases.

Optimism / US Dollar 1D (Source: TradingView)
Aptos / US Dollar 1D (Source: Tradingview)

Aptos (APT) has been turning heads with its 472% increase in price over the last month. After a light drop, APT is now trading close to its immediate support at $12.72. A new all-time high would be possible once the immediate resistance level at $14.70 is flipped into support.

This would enable APT to push forward and breach $18.50 and set a new all-time high as well.

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Source: https://coinedition.com/okb-op-and-apt-very-close-to-setting-new-all-time-highs/