Microsoft Cites Safety Concerns for Cloud Service Customers—Bans Crypto Mining


Microsoft put a ban on its crypto mining operations. Recently the operating system giant reported a halt given the security of its other services. Majorly, the company anticipates safeguarding its cloud customers falling under the online services. Noteworthy is that both cryptocurrency mining and cloud services fall within the online services sector of the company. 

Crypto Mining Posed Threat on Customers

According to The Register, the prohibition of crypto mining from the company came in the wake of its Universal License Terms for Online Services’ update. The document applicable for Customer subscribed services hosted by Microsoft in line with the volume licensing agreement. 

Summary of Changes to the license of Microsoft noted that cryptocurrency mining is not allowed without the company’s prior approval. 

It stated : “Updated Acceptable Use Policy to clarify that mining cryptocurrency is prohibited without prior Microsoft approval.”

The license did not have much info, the use policy had more to add though. ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ section suggested that customers or entities accessing an Online Service could not use the service for crypto mining without the company’s permission. 

According to the policy, “Neither Customer, nor those that access an Online Service through Customer, may use an Online Service: to mine cryptocurrency without Microsoft’s prior written approval.”

Prior Permission in Written for Mining

In addition to the Summary of Changes, Microsoft also released an advisory titled ‘Important actions partners need to take to secure the partner ecosystem.’ It notified the update in the Acceptable Use Policy in order to ban crypto assets mining across all the online services of Microsoft. It would need a written approval from the company to do so. Despite the subscription, one would need to have an approval before using the services to mine cryptocurrencies.

Microsoft reportedly took the decision given the potential disruption or damage to the Online Services could be damaged by cryptocurrency mining. Users of these services could also face the consequences and be exposed to the threat of access without permission and misuse of resources for illicit activities like cyber fraud and abuse attacks. 

The company put up a warning for its customers last year regarding a crypto mining malware dubbed as LemonDuck. It was said to steal credentials, hamper the security measures, could spread through emails, etc. The malware was a threat for Windows and Linux systems and since it could spread over emails, the exploits and phishing-like attacks were likely to happen. 

Although Microsoft attested that for testing and research regarding the security detections, the crypto mining would be permissible. 
