USM.World announces its merger with Zebec Protocol

USM.World, the parent organization of the 3D virtual world United States of Mars (USM), takes great delight in making the official news that they have joined forces with Zebec Protocol to build a collaboration that will be advantageous to both parties. They can now take advantage of the possibility of establishing a headquarters in the metaverse by working together. Zebec Protocol is a DeFi protocol that was successfully deployed on the Solana blockchain in 2021.

In the context of all regular financial-based transactions, one of its most crucial and noteworthy features is the possibility it affords for the development of continuous money streams. Payments, investments, and payroll cases comprise the entirety of these transactions. Its first major achievement was an app called Zebec Payroll, which was a huge success. This very invention played a pivotal role in facilitating the payments that could be issued to all of the employees of any firm on a second-by-second basis.

The resultant factor of this merging with USM.World will provide Zebec Protocol with the opportunity of opening and positioning its very own head-quarter space in the metaverse. In addition to that, it will also find itself in the situation of installing its billboards within the boundaries of the USM metaverse. 

As a result of these measures, it is hoped that all group members will be able to establish reliable connections not only with the Zebec Protocol but also with one another. Users will also be able to view a large library of videos, movies, and NFTs of varying genres and formats.
