Elon Musk Takes on a Wall Street Giant

Elon Musk fears neither his competitors nor the regulators. 

The CEO of Tesla  (TSLA) has not hesitated to attack the powerful US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with which he has had a stormy relationship since his now famous tweet of August 7, 2018 in which he announced that he was going to take the manufacturer of electric vehicles private. 

This message had prompted an investigation by the SEC which had subsequently resulted in a settlement. Musk was fined $20 million, stepped down as chairman of the board, and the group had to review all his tweets that could influence Tesla stock price. The vehicle manufacturer was also fined $20 million. 

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/technology/elon-musk-takes-on-a-wall-street-giant?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo