Here’s today’s Wordle solution plus some helpful hints.
The weekend is here at last—or, well, almost. Soon, the weekend will be here. If we lived in a just society, Fridays would be part of a universal three-day weekend and everyone would spend more time blowing off steam and having fun.
That’s not a radical notion. Henry Ford is often credited with the concept of a two-day weekend—or at least with contributing to the concept. Before the federal government enacted a 40-hour work week, Ford started giving his employees two days off a week—so that they’d have leisure time and a reason to buy, and drive, a car.
More leisure time is also good for employment. If workers work fewer hours, more employees will be needed to fill jobs, getting us closer to full employment. Then again, at some point we may need to revisit the very concept of employment. Not because I don’t think people shouldn’t work hard or have a job, but because there may come a time in the future where so much of our economy is automated that we simply won’t need all those workers—but people still need to live.
That’s when we start getting into Star Trek territory. Infinite resources, infinite energy, our climate and pollution problems solved. Replicators and Holodecks. Working for the joy of it, not for money—which no longer exists. Damn I hope we get to that point someday. We’re not even close right now.
I think my ideal Utopia is some cross between the Shire and Star Trek—two societies that seem radically different at first, but which actually have more in common than you’d think. Something to ponder.
In the meantime, let’s do this Wordle!
Today’s Wordle #433 Answer, Hint and Clue
This spoiler-gate is boilerplate. Spoilers ahead. You’ve been warned. Enter at your own peril. Proceed at your own risk. No refunds.
The Hint: Alanis Morissette kept asking this question back in the 90s.
The Clue: Today’s word has two vowels and two consonants. And a fifth letter that could serve as either/or.
The Answer:
Wordle #433 Solution
I am very pleased with my guesses today. They worked out about as perfectly as a three-guess game of Wordle can. Sure, it’s nice to get it in only two, but I’m not complaining.
I guessed shire for my first guess because I’m getting pretty excited for Amazon’s The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power. I might even binge Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy this weekend with the kids. It sounds fun—and also kind like a lot of time spent watching movies I’ve already seen.
From here, I decided to guess a word that tested the two yellow letters—’I’ and ‘R’—in new spaces, and seeing if any other vowels were in play. Braid actually narrowed my possible solutions down to just one at this point, though I didn’t know it at the time.
What I did know was this: The ‘I’ had to go either at the beginning of the word or at the end of the word since all three middle slots were out of play. As far as I know, there aren’t a ton of 5-letter words that end with ‘I’ so I immediately assumed it had to go in the first box. The moment I had ‘IR’ I though ‘IRON’ and the moment I thought that, I thought of irony.
And just like that, presto voila! I snagged the win. (Presto and Voila are both great starting words, by the way!)
Be well, young Hobbits, on your trek toward Mordor. Be sure to pack some pipe weed and plenty of munchies. And some rope.
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