Ankr Got Hacked For Polygon And Fantom Networks


  • Recently, a team of coders hacked the node infrastructure provider Ankr.
  • Remote Procedure Call is a node service often utilized by the applications in the cryptocurrency domains and wallets, which is used in connecting Polygon and Fandom blockchains.
  • The hijack was like just another of its kind. The goal was to trick users so that they would provide the seed phrases of their wallets.

But How Can This Happen?

Polygon’s chief information security officer Mudit Gupta went on Twitter to announce that Ankr went through a DNS name system (DNS) hack.

This Ankr is a node infrastructure provider for proof-of-stake blockchains.

The anonymous attackers hijacked Ankr’s RPC public domains to run phishing attempts.

The attack was to seize control of two links:

Ankr is basically on these two links for the Remote Procedure Call. 

This Remote Procedure Call is a node service often utilized by the applications in the cryptocurrency domains and wallets, which is used in connecting Polygon and Fandom blockchains.

The hijack was like just another of its kind. The goal was to trick users so that they would provide the seed phrases of their wallets.

This was in an attempt so that the hackers could send the fake users messages which would ask them to reset their seed phrases.

These seed phrases will be reset in a website link that the hackers have complete control over. 

We all know that a domain naming system or the DNS has a lot of protocols and regulations; sometimes, some hackers and programmers find loopholes in the protocol and take advantage of this fact. 

“We are investigating reported issues.”

This was the tweet posted by Ankr’s officials.
