New U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal? Why Biden’s Pursuit Is Dangerous And Delusional

President Biden and his team are going all-out to reach an agreement with Iran over its nuclear program.

This episode of What’s Ahead lays out why such an accord would be a disaster. Contrary to White House fantasies, Iran has no intention of giving up its ambition to become a nuclear power.

A new deal, like the 2015 one it would replace (that was cancelled by President Trump in 2018), would have a flawed inspection system. The reality is that the Biden deal would enable Iran to become a nuclear-threshold state within three years. It would have enough enriched uranium to make numerous bombs.

The deal has others flaws, such as letting the ayatollahs get their bloodstained hands on nearly $100 billion in foreign currencies. It does nothing about Iran’s ballistic missile program nor the proxy militias it has throughout the region.

It’s a very bad deal that deserves the bum’s rush.

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