GenLayer – The Intelligence Layer of the Internet

Albert Castellana is the Co-Founder and CEO at Yeager AI, building GenLayer, a decentralized blockchain platform designed to integrate artificial intelligence directly into smart contracts. By combining blockchain and AI, GenLayer opens up a range of use cases, such as intelligent oracles, prediction markets, decentralized governance, parametric insurance, and more​​​​.

Why you should listen

GenLayer is a decentralized blockchain platform designed to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) directly into smart contracts. These enhanced contracts, called Intelligent Contracts, surpass traditional smart contracts by not only executing predefined conditions but also by interacting with real-time data from the web and processing natural language. This integration allows GenLayer’s contracts to perform tasks beyond basic transactions, such as decision-making based on dynamic, real-world information without the need for oracles.

At its core, GenLayer uses a Python-based execution environment called GenVM, which enables developers to create contracts that can interact with large language models (LLMs), such as GPT, to analyze and process complex information. The platform’s unique Optimistic Democracy consensus mechanism ensures that multiple validators, powered by AI models, reach an agreement on the validity of transactions. This consensus mechanism allows for greater flexibility, as validators can handle non-deterministic tasks (those with multiple possible correct outcomes) like interpreting natural language queries or accessing web data.

By combining blockchain and AI, GenLayer opens up a wide range of innovative use cases, such as intelligent oracles, prediction markets, decentralized governance, parametric insurance, and much more​​​​.

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