Ethereum developers consider splitting Pectra hard fork

Research analyst Christine Kim reported on X that Ethereum developers are contemplating splitting the Pectra hard fork. The analyst stated the idea was brought up in a September 12th call as the developers discussed adding more Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) to Pectra

The research analyst revealed that Ethereum developers had considered splitting the upcoming Pectra hard fork into two. According to Kim, developers had raised the idea before, but it was put aside due to concerns that it would delay the Verkle fork. The Pectra hard fork is expected to change Ethereum’s programming space by upgrading the Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM).

Eth devs contemplate splitting upcoming Pectra hard fork

In the execution call, Ethereum developers reportedly discussed splitting the Pectra hard fork into two. The main agenda in the call is said to be adding more EIPs to Pectra before its execution later this year or early next year.

Christine Kim revealed that the developers insisted that if the Pectra fork were split in two, the first fork could be shipped by February 2025. The analyst explained that the first fork would include all EIPs on devnet 3, such as set externally owned accounts code for one transaction (7702), max effective balance (7251), Move committee index(7549), and supply validator deposits on chain(6110). 

“They had discussed this idea before but it was shot down b/c of concerns that would delay the verkle fork the idea was raised again on today’s call as devs discussed adding in more eips to pectra.”

Christine Kim 

She also explained that the second Pectra fork would include EVM Object Format(EOF) and PeerDas. The analyst added that the second fork would consist of other EIPs developers contemplated, such as SSZ and increased blob count. She revealed, however, that the name for the second Pectra fork had yet to be discussed, and a final decision on the split would be made in the next all-core developers’ execution call.

Developers express diverse opinions about the upcoming Pectra fork 

The EVM Object Format (EOF) is reportedly the main feature in the upcoming hard fork. ⁤⁤The EOF is said to include changes to the EVM that could potentially alter the developer environment. 

⁤The upcoming EOF reportedly sparked conversations within the developer community. ⁤⁤Some developers expressed that the proposal could disrupt smart contracts and added the upgrade could lead to unprecedented consequences. 

⁤Marius Van Der Wijden, a core developer, raised concerns about introducing a new EVM that could burden the network and lead to unforeseen vulnerabilities and bugs. 

⁤On the other hand, developers like Parithosh Jayanthi were optimistic about the EOF. ⁤⁤He stated this would be the first major development since the network’s launch. ⁤

⁤He added that the upgrades set the pace for future upgrades and illustrate the base layer’s intention to improve the EVM. 
