Are VCs the Real Reason Why Crypto Investors Are Quietly Quitting?

At the time the world is boastfully discussing the possibility of cryptocurrencies assuming a prominent position in the global financial landscape, an expert has brought to the table a shocking observation that could threaten all our aspirations for a crypto-led future. It’s high time we discuss this observation.

Is Crypto Facing a ‘Pervasive Quiet Quitting’ Trend? Expert Speaks 

It was Travis Kling, a cryptocurrency expert, who first revealed the trend of ‘Pervasive Quiet Quitting’. His observation deserves serious attention due to the fact that he has at least 7 years of experience in the industry, and regularly engages in discussions with high-profile crypto professionals. If his observation proves unchallengeable, we may have to accept that many people are quietly stepping away from the crypto industry. 

Disillusionment among Crypto Investors 

Kling’s observation highlights a growing sense of disillusionment among cryptocurrency investors. It calls for a rethinking of the ever-expanding ocean of projects without clear use cases. 

Bitcoin and Stablecoins Find Stability 

While pointing out the better performance of Bitcoin and Stablecoins over other cryptos, a post by Wu Blockchain emphasises the importance of finding a niche for cryptocurrencies.  

VCs Profiting at the Expense of Retail Investors

The post by Wu Blockchain also reveals how retail investors are being fooled by VCs, who sell off projects that offer little to no value. There is nothing wrong in assuming that this wicked strategy of VCs has further fueled the sense of disillusionment among crypto investors, particularly retail investors.

Does the cryptocurrency industry need to worry about this unwelcoming observation? What do you think? 

Also Read : US Crypto Legislation Missing from Harris’ Policy as Trump Takes Crypto Lead
