Justin Sun: TRX Gift to Warren Buffett Sees 10x Growth in 4 Years

Justin Sun, the founder of the Tron blockchain network, has revealed that the TRX tokens he gifted to renowned investor Warren Buffett have surged in value by nearly tenfold over the last four years. In a recent post on social media platform X, Sun highlighted that Buffett’s 1.93 million TRX tokens, gifted during a high-profile 2020 dinner, are now valued at approximately $289,000. This remarkable growth has led Sun to claim that the TRX holding has outperformed all other assets in Buffett’s portfolio during that time.

In February 2020, Sun made headlines when he met with Buffett, one of the world’s most influential investors, for a charity dinner where he presented Buffett with a Samsung Galaxy Fold smartphone containing one Bitcoin (BTC) and 1,938,300 TRX. The meeting was part of Sun’s effort to promote blockchain technology and cryptocurrency adoption, hoping to sway the famously crypto-skeptical Buffett. However, Buffett, maintaining his distance from digital assets, later donated the crypto holdings to the Glide Foundation, a charity focused on helping the homeless and underserved communities.

Justin Sun

Warren Buffett‘s Crypto Holdings Surge

At the time of the gift, the TRX tokens were valued at a fraction of their current worth. Sun’s recent announcement underscores the substantial growth that Tron has seen over the past few years. In particular, the nearly 10-fold increase in the value of the TRX tokens has been fueled by the broader growth of the cryptocurrency market and Tron’s ongoing developments in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and blockchain-based applications.

According to Sun, Buffett’s TRX holdings have outpaced the returns of his traditional investment portfolios, which are primarily focused on stocks, bonds, and other conventional assets. While this claim may hold weight in the context of TRX’s growth over the past four years, it’s important to note that Buffett, who is known for his long-term, value-based investing strategy, remains a staunch critic of cryptocurrencies, referring to Bitcoin as “rat poison” in previous comments.

The 2020 Charity Dinner and Buffett’s Reaction to Crypto

Justin Sun’s charity dinner with Warren Buffett made waves in both the crypto and traditional finance worlds when it took place in 2020. Sun had paid $4.57 million for the opportunity to have dinner with Buffett, with proceeds going to the Glide Foundation, a San Francisco-based charity that assists homeless and vulnerable populations. The dinner was notable not only for its charitable intent but also because it represented a clash of two very different financial philosophies: Sun’s enthusiasm for decentralized digital assets versus Buffett’s conservative, traditional investing principles.

During the dinner, Sun attempted to persuade Buffett of the merits of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, presenting him with a Samsung Galaxy Fold smartphone containing 1 BTC and 1.93 million TRX. However, Buffett later expressed continued skepticism about cryptocurrencies, maintaining that they lacked intrinsic value and were speculative in nature. His decision to donate the gifted crypto holdings to Glide further demonstrated his disinterest in holding digital assets.

TRX’s Growth and Tron’s Role in Blockchain

Tron (TRX), the native cryptocurrency of the Tron blockchain, has seen significant growth and development since its inception. Originally created as a platform for decentralized content distribution, Tron has evolved into a multi-faceted blockchain network that supports decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, and DeFi solutions. The platform aims to provide high throughput, scalability, and low transaction fees, positioning itself as a competitor to other major blockchain networks such as Ethereum.

One of Tron’s major achievements has been its involvement in decentralized finance (DeFi), an area of blockchain development that focuses on creating decentralized financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading without the need for intermediaries. The Tron blockchain has become home to a range of DeFi applications, driving demand for its TRX token and contributing to its price growth.

In addition to DeFi, Tron has also made strides in the NFT space, enabling the creation and trading of non-fungible tokens on its platform. This diversification of use cases has played a role in driving the adoption of Tron’s technology and its native token, resulting in the 10x increase in value that Sun recently celebrated.

Cryptocurrency Outperforming Traditional Assets?

While Sun’s claim that TRX has outperformed Buffett’s other portfolios over the past four years may hold true in terms of percentage growth, it’s important to compare the two within context. Buffett’s investments typically focus on blue-chip companies, bonds, and other stable, long-term assets that may not provide the same rapid growth seen in the cryptocurrency market but offer stability and reliable returns over time.

Cryptocurrencies, including TRX, are known for their volatility, and while they can offer significant returns during bull markets, they are also subject to steep declines during market corrections. Buffett’s conservative investment approach is rooted in avoiding speculative assets, which is why he has been reluctant to embrace cryptocurrencies despite their recent gains.

Glide Foundation: The Beneficiary of Buffett’s Crypto Donation

Following the 2020 dinner, Buffett chose to donate the crypto holdings gifted by Sun to the Glide Foundation. This charitable gesture was in line with Buffett’s philanthropic efforts, which have been a key focus of his later years. Glide has been a recipient of funds raised from Buffett’s annual charity dinners for many years, and the foundation plays a vital role in providing services to San Francisco’s homeless population, as well as supporting programs for low-income families and individuals.

The TRX tokens that Buffett donated to Glide have now appreciated significantly in value, contributing to the foundation’s financial resources. This unexpected windfall from the cryptocurrency market highlights the potential for digital assets to provide substantial returns, even for those who are skeptical of their long-term viability.


Justin Sun’s announcement that Warren Buffett’s gifted TRX tokens have grown 10x in value over four years is a notable milestone for the Tron network. Despite Buffett’s well-known criticism of cryptocurrencies, the growth of TRX and its increasing adoption in the DeFi and NFT spaces demonstrate the potential of blockchain technology. While the donation of the TRX to Glide Foundation reflects Buffett’s disinterest in holding digital assets, the charitable organization has ultimately benefited from the impressive appreciation in the value of the gifted tokens.

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Source: https://bitcoinworld.co.in/justin-sun-trx-gift-to-warren-buffett/