the adoption of cryptocurrencies according to the Easy Crypto survey

Easy Crypto, the New Zealand cryptocurrency exchange, together with Protocol Theory, conducted a survey on crypto adoption in Australia. From what emerged, almost 50% of Australians own or intend to purchase cryptocurrencies in the next 12 months.

Australia and the Easy Crypto survey: cryptocurrency adoption is growing

In Australia, the survey conducted by the New Zealand crypto-exchange Easy Crypto together with Protocol Theory, revealed that the adoption of cryptocurrencies is growing.

“A recent survey conducted by Easy Crypto and Protocol Theory reveals that cryptocurrencies are no longer a marginal asset in Australia. With one in five Australians already investing, the financial landscape is changing. To learn more about the future of cryptocurrencies”

Specifically, the survey was conducted on 1063 Australian adults aged between 18 and 70 years, representing contemporary Australia. 

In this regard, the result that emerged is that 1 adulto australiano su 5 attualmente, o in precedenza, possiede criptovalute. 

Not only that, another significant fact is that almost 50% of Australians have purchased or are considering purchasing cryptocurrencies in the next year. The motivation seems to be to try crypto as more accessible investment alternatives to home ownership in their quest for financial freedom.

Australia and the adoption of cryptocurrencies: the other data from the Easy Crypto survey

The May 2024 survey on Australians by Easy Crypto then revealed other interesting data on the behavior of the inhabitants of Australia. 

In fact, it seems that once the crypto are purchased, over 80% of the investments remain in this asset category, despite the market volatility. 

Questo dato rappresenta una tendenza di fiducia sul futuro delle crypto da parte degli australiani. 

Other data, then, state that one investor out of three declares that the attractiveness of cryptocurrency includes the reduction of profits for banks and other companies; many believe that governments and banks are the two things that most stand between them and financial freedom. 

Not only that, many Australian investors believe that cryptocurrency allows for greater equality for all, with 45% of Australian investors aged 39 or younger agreeing with this statement compared to 38% of real estate investments.

The launch of the stablecoin NZDD and a new crypto-wallet

Recently, Easy Crypto has made headlines for having launched two products in New Zealand: the stablecoin NZDD and a new crypto wallet. 

Easy Crypto is the largest crypto-exchange in New Zealand, with over 2 billion dollars in revenue. 

Through the two new products, the crypto platform aims to offer a stable entry into the bull and bear cryptocurrency market. 

The stablecoin NZDD is pegged 1:1 to the New Zealand dollar, and, according to the co-founder and CEO of Easy Crypto, Janine Grainger, it serves to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the digital era. 

Furthermore, the new Easy Crypto Wallet is already available for download directly from Google Play or Apple App Store. 
