SSV Network Announces $10,000 Prize Pool Hackathon At ETHOnline 

SSV Network DAO launches a three-tier competition in the ETHOnline hackathon by EthGlobal. The competition offers potential rewards of up to $10,000, shared between winners. 

SSV Network DAO, the top developer of the SSV Network, a scalable infrastructure for developers using DVT technology, announced its participation in the ETHOnline hackathon hosted by ETHGlobal, this week. The SSV Network-focused hackathon will run for three weeks – from August 23 to September 13 – offering a $10,000 reward shared between the top two teams in each of the three categories, or “tracks”. 

Named the “10K Gold tier sponsorship”, SSV Network’s hackathon offers an opportunity for hackers to use SSV Network to develop next-generation restaking apps and tooling using a resilient and decentralized distributed validator technology (DVT) infrastructure.

SSV Network is a platform that leverages Distributed Validator Technology (DVT), a pioneering architectural framework designed specifically for Ethereum staking, to empower staking operators and validators to participate in Ethereum staking. The latest competition aims to incentivise the development and building of futuristic staking solutions on the network. According to the team statement, the competition will also allow “developers to easily contribute to the growing network effect of DVT-powered staking.”

“By tapping into the creativity of devs, SSV-integrated applications can collectively create considerable value for the staking space through diverse and impactful use cases,” the statement further reads. 

The three-week online hackathon is designed for developers to participate in async hacking, collaborate in new staking solutions, and compete for a chance to share the $10,000 prize pool. With the application period closed on August 21, 2024, SSV Network announced over 2,000 hackers will be participating in the three-tier competition.

SSV Network Hackathon Competition and Prize Pools

The SSV Network hackathon will provide three tracks with the first track offering a $4000 prize pool, and two other tracks offering $3,000 prize pools each. Participants are encouraged to take part in overlapping projects to maximize their winnings. 

The first competition (track) will challenge developers to build a staking application using SSV Network’s tooling. The projects will be judged on creativity, UI design, and completeness. The winning team will take home $2,500 while the runners-up team stands to win $1,500. Participants can also submit their projects to the EigenLayer Infinite Hackathon. The only requirement is for a participating team to successfully register a validator on the SSV Network testnet for restaking.


The second track will test developers’ skills in building the best use cases of SSV data. This will challenge participants to showcase practical SSV Network statistics.  Eligible projects may include dashboards that display data on SSV validators, operators, clusters, and related metrics. The requirement is for participants to integrate their projects with the SSV Subgraph and utilize its API to obtain statistics. The first place in this competition will win $2,000 while the runners-up will be rewarded $1,000. 

The final track will challenge the participants to build the most outstanding enhancement to any of SSV’s tools, processes, or onboarding systems. The only qualification requirement is to have a valid  SSV Network contract call or valid key share file output. The first-place team will earn $2,000 while the runner-up team earns $1,000. 

Why Launch The Hackathon?

The end goal of the hackathon is to enhance Ethereum staking solutions using DVT technology. This competition will enable SSV Network to grow its platform’s adoption to have the majority of the ETH stake run through DVT. Additionally, the hackathon will ensure that Ethereum’s validation layer is as decentralized and resilient as possible. 

By participating in the ETHGlobal online hackathon, the SSV DAO can further this mission by rewarding hackers for building innovative applications and tooling using SSV infrastructure.
