BTTC Empowers Democratic Voting with New Smart Contract

Ted Hisokawa
Aug 21, 2024 12:49

Explore the innovative voting smart contract on BitTorrent Chain (BTTC), designed to enhance transparency and security in elections.

BTTC Empowers Democratic Voting with New Smart Contract

BitTorrent Inc. has unveiled a new voting smart contract on the BitTorrent Chain (BTTC), aiming to decentralize the democratic process by ensuring transparent and tamper-proof voting. The contract encompasses candidate registration, vote casting, and winner determination, according to BitTorrent Inc..

The Voting Contract: Blueprint for Digital Democracy

The Voting Contract is meticulously designed to manage the entire voting process. Key components include:

Structs and State Variables

The contract defines structures and state variables to store voting data:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

contract Voting {
struct Voter {
string uid;
uint candidateIDVote;
struct Candidate {
string name;
string party;
bool doesExist;
uint numCandidates;
uint numVoters;
uint256 voteDeadline;
mapping(uint => Candidate) candidates;
mapping(uint => Voter) voters;


Events are emitted at crucial points during the voting process:

event candidateRegistered(uint candidateID);
event voteRegistered(uint voterID, uint candidateID);


Setting and Getting the Vote Deadline

function setVoteDeadline(uint256 _voteDeadline) public {
voteDeadline = _voteDeadline;
function getVoteDeadline() public view returns (uint256) {
return voteDeadline;

Adding Candidates

function addCandidate(string calldata name, string calldata party) public {
candidates[numCandidates] = Candidate(name, party, true);
emit candidateRegistered(numCandidates);

Casting Votes

function vote(string calldata uid, uint candidateID) public {
require(block.timestamp <= voteDeadline, "Voting period has ended.");
require(candidates[candidateID].doesExist, "Candidate does not exist.");
voters[numVoters] = Voter(uid, candidateID);
emit voteRegistered(numVoters, candidateID);

Getting the Winner

function getWinner() public view returns (string memory winnerName) {
uint[] memory voteCounts = new uint[](numCandidates + 1);
for (uint i = 1; i <= numVoters; i++) {
uint winningVoteCount = 0;
uint winningCandidateID = 0;
for (uint i = 1; i <= numCandidates; i++) {
if (voteCounts[i] > winningVoteCount) {
winningVoteCount = voteCounts[i];
winningCandidateID = i;
return candidates[winningCandidateID].name;

Getting Total Votes for a Candidate

function totalVotes(uint candidateID) public view returns (uint) {
uint voteCount = 0;
for (uint i = 1; i <= numVoters; i++) {
if (voters[i].candidateIDVote == candidateID) {
return voteCount;

The Power of Decentralized Voting

This Voting Contract illustrates how blockchain technology can transform traditional voting systems by enhancing transparency, immutability, and security.

Beyond the Basics: Enhancing Your Voting Contract

Consider adding the following features to enhance the basic voting contract:

  • Implement voter registration to prevent duplicate voting.
  • Add candidate verification mechanisms.
  • Create a user-friendly frontend for voter interaction.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Democracy

This Voting Contract is a significant step towards decentralizing democracy, ensuring every vote counts and every election is transparent and fair. The blockchain world offers endless possibilities, and the future of democracy is in your hands.

Bonus Section: Diving Deeper into BTTC Smart Contracts

For those eager to advance their blockchain development skills, BitTorrent Inc. offers a comprehensive GitHub repository with additional resources:

🚀 Explore the Full Project

Visit the BTTC Examples GitHub Repository to access:

  1. Complete Contract Code
  2. Deployment Scripts
  3. Comprehensive Tests
  4. Multiple Projects
  5. Documentation

🛠️ Getting Started

To maximize these resources:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory of your choice
  3. Follow the setup instructions in the project’s README
  4. Experiment with the contracts, run tests, and try deploying to a testnet

🌟 Why This Matters

Exploring the full repository provides:

  • A deeper understanding of smart contract development
  • Hands-on experience with deployment and testing
  • Exposure to best practices in blockchain development
  • Inspiration for your own BTTC projects

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, the BTTC Examples repository is your gateway to mastering smart contract development on the BitTorrent Chain.

Image source: Shutterstock
