SAG-AFTRA clinches AI virtual voice replica deal with Narrativ

SAG-AFTRA has entered a deal for audio voice replicas in virtual advertising with an AI startup named Narrativ. The union believes this sets a new ground for ethical use of the technology while allowing performers to consent and get paid.

The start-up, which is based in New York — runs an online marketplace that allows advertisers to develop audio spots through AI tools. With this deal in place, it is hoped that this will provide the union’s 160,000 members a chance to be included on a database that links voice talent to potential advertisers.

Narrativ agrees to SAG-AFTRA’s terms

According to the agreement, individual members will discuss the fees of their voice-over for each project, as long as the fees aren’t lower than SAG-AFTRA’s minimum, as per its most recent commercials contract with advertisers.

In the negotiations with the union, the AI start-up, which was founded in 2022, acceded to SAG-AFTRA’s informed accord and compensation requirements, among other vital AI guardrails. Last year, AI technology was a major issue in the Hollywood strike, which was the first joint protest by both actors and writers, since 1963. The tech was also at the center of video game voice actors and motion-capture performers call for a strike last month.

However, despite the latest deal, SAG-AFTRA national executive director and chief negotiator, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland acknowledged that not all members will be interested in taking advantage of the opportunities that licensing their digital voice replicas might offer.

“But for those who do, you now have a safe option,” said Crabtree-Ireland.

“Narrativ has agreed to our terms, and its platform is an excellent example of how AI can be ethically used, by putting compensation, informed consent, and control in the hands of individual performers.”


The union categorically stated that the agreement was sanctioned by its National Executive Committee (NEC).

“SAG-AFTRA and Narrativ are setting a new standard for the ethical use of AI-generated voice replicas in digital advertising,” said the union.

The marketplace feature for Narrativ accords performers an opportunity to identify their personal preferences and other details to guide prospective advertisers. Each advertisement developed through the Narrativ platform, SAG-AFTRA said will generate a pension and health contribution for the artists.

According to SAG-AFTRA, this ensures fair compensation and transparency. Apart from that, brands must secure consent from performers for every use of their digital voice replica in an ad, voiced the union.

SAG-AFTRA keen to establish more partnerships

SAG-AFTRA further emphasized that producers must identify the product or service being promoted in the commercial they are promoting as well as give a script for the commercial. Both parties ought to agree with the terms and conditions of their deal.

“If an advertiser does not align with the performer’s preferences, or they don’t like the copy, they can easily deny the request,” the union revealed.

According to Variety, SAG-AFTRA has also revealed that it is keen to establish business deals with AI start-ups such as Narrativ as this cements standards for mandating compensation and consent for actors each time their names, voices, likenesses, and images are handled through AI.

Going forward, the union is also certain that AI governance will be a key area of focus, and currently, AI-related copyright cases are also rising in federal and state courts.

“This is a new frontier for digital advertising. AI makes the dream of every marketer possible — it gives them the tools to deliver the right message, using a voice that will resonate with the right person, at the right place and time.”

Narrativ co-founder Ben Gottdiener.

However, Gottdiener also emphasized on ethical use of AI in every stage of the processes and procedures. The first step will be to ensure informed consent by all key stakeholders.

“By ensuring that every person involved in the creation of that message is informed about what it contains, consents to its use, and is compensated fairly, we make that vision sustainable, repeatable, and real,” said Gottdiener.
