Japan’s Foreign Investment in Japanese Stocks increased by ¥382 billion through the week ended February 16, down from the previous week’s ¥621.2 billion, but well within recent figures as foreign direct investment in Japanese securities moderates.
Foreign Bond Investment, foreign bonds issued within Japan’s financial markets, declined ¥-560.8 billion, but still recovered compared to the previous week’s ¥-1.495 trillion decline. Foreign bond issuance within Japan fell to its lowest levels since the week ended December 13.
About Japan’s Foreign Investment
Securities investment, released by Ministry of Finance, referrers to bonds issued in a domestic market by a foreign entity in the domestic market’s currency. The report is released by the Ministry of Finance, detailing the flows from the public sector excluding Bank of Japan. The net data shows the difference of capital inflow and outflow. A positive difference indicates net sales of foreign securities by residents (capital inflow), and a negative difference indicates net purchases of foreign securities by residents (capital outflow).
Source: https://www.fxstreet.com/news/japanese-foreign-bond-investment-falls-y-5608b-versus-the-last-print-of-y-1495t-202402212346