The Anime Foundation is advancing the way in which the world experiences anime culture. It has announced a partnership with Animoca Brands and San FranTokyo to create the largest open ecosystem for global anime culture.
Animoca Brands brings to the table the potential of unlocking the global network within the sphere of Web3. Plus, it will help to reach a wider audience beyond the boundaries of Web3. Animoca Brands has confirmed this development, emphasizing that the true vision is much larger than anyone can imagine. Probably hinting that many more developments and updates are on their way.
That portion is rather true because the Anime Foundation has said that it will announce more partners and insights into the developments in the days to come. Simply put, the current announcement marks the beginning of a series of many more developments to come. All of them will be directed to attain the vision of powering the global anime sector.
Animoca Brands has said they are proud to partner with the Anime Foundation, further highlighting that Animoca Brands is one of the core partners.
The members of the Animoca Brands community have expressed their excitement with this announcement. Many members have said that this is a dream come true for them. Others have congratulated the team, saying that they can’t wait to see what comes next.
Animoca Brands Japan will play a crucial role here. It has been tasked with empowering the Foundation with extended access to the manga and anime industry. The latter entails accessing studios, publishers, industry veterans, and distribution platforms, to mention a few. Anime Foundation seeks access to every aspect via Animoca Brands Japan that would otherwise be unattainable.
Finally, San FranTokyo is bringing to the table its potential to build a common point for millions of anime fans across the world. It will build a bridge and construct a destination wherein the fans can come up for the storytelling experience, among others, slated to be made public later.
MANGA is generally identified as a token that has lower fluctuations. This announcement has less affected the token, considering it is trading at $0.000001962, a drop of 3.91% in the last 24 hours. Moreover, the current listed price is a slip of 8.99% and 1.80% in the last 7 days and 30 days. Its market cap is steady, and the 24-hour volume is up by 537.37%.
As for Animoca Brands, it has announced an online event on X to talk about the rise of Web3 metagames. The event is scheduled for January 23, 2024, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. (HKT). Two crucial points that are up for discussion are Web3 games and insights into game design and tokenomics.