L2s on Celestia are Validiums, Not True Rollups

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin ignited discussion within the community this week about categorizing the blockchain’s various layer-2 scaling approaches. Specifically, he argued that systems like validiums leveraging third-party data availability solutions should not qualify as “real” rollups. He added that their dependence on external chains fails meeting a core security criteria.

The remarks touched off disagreement around framing validiums as layer-2 constructions altogether. How these semantic designations take shape carries real implications for developers and users assessing tradeoffs between Ethereum scaling options proliferating today.

External Dependence Disqualifies Rollup Label

In comments on decentralized social network X, Buterin concurred with perspectives designating validium protocols that offload transaction data availability to specialized blockchains like Celestia as being distinct from zero-knowledge rollups. The latter bundles full transaction batches and submits encrypted proofs on Ethereum layer-1 for validity checks.

By contrast, Buterin contends that the defining attribute of a legitimate Ethereum layer-2 rollup entails guaranteeing that users can always withdraw funds even if all other parties attempt to sabotage the network. This property rests on data availability directly on Ethereum, whether via submitting hashed calldata or posting periodic state root snapshots.

For setups relying on external modular blockchains for data availability, Buterin argues that the withdrawal assurance no longer holds unconditionally. Should issues emerge compromising Celestia or other availability chains, rollup networks built atop them lack recourse to recover funds on layer-1 through fraud proofs or exit roots. Hence, they need to realize the core design goal.

Labeling Systems Proposed

Buterin subsequently shared visualized taxonomy proposals for standardizing terminology distinguishing Ethereum layer-2 system types. He suggests stratifying projects based on security guarantees according to categories like “strong rollups” and “light validiums” with criteria matching the presence of withdrawal assurances and on-chain data availability.

The framing aimed to introduce a more precise lexicon as the proliferation of layer-2 configurations multiplies. However, some community technologists pushed back on demarcations seemingly excluding validiums-with-Modular blockchain architectures from standing as layer-2 solutions altogether on Ethereum.

Any Chain Settling on Ethereum is Layer-2

Among the dissenting viewpoints, Ethereum community member Ryan Berckmans argues that validiums should qualify as layer-2 networks universally if they eventually settle transaction batches on Ethereum layer-1.

By this standard, the data availability approach represents just an architectural preference, not differentiating fixed settlements on Ethereum. According to this perspective, calling any chains settling on Ethereum “layer-2” promotes encompassing technological diversification.

Ultimately, in an evolving landscape still being built in real-time like Ethereum scaling, hashing out descriptive classifications resists hard delineations. Differences in opinions, even among leaders like Buterin and prominent community developers, show that terms carry interpretation latitude at the bleeding edge. As innovations test limits in conceiving new paradigms, attempts to codify them will meet with debates balancing prescriptiveness and imagination.


Vitalik Buterin’s ignition of a debate over categorizing Ethereum layer-2 solutions like validiums hints at the difficulty of rigidly defining cutting-edge technological permutations. Transaction availability emerges as just one potential differentiator regarding where something is settled or stored. Prominent community voices argue for more encompassing standards befitting welcoming innovation variety on Ethereum’s frontier. 

As architects stretch limits conceiving unforeseen layer-2 designs, settling classification systems remain in flux when no consensus exists, codifying novel possibilities.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/01/17/vitalik-buterin-l2s-on-celestia-are-validiums-not-true-rollups/