Hitachi America Joins Hedera Council, Enhancing DLT-Based Industrial Solutions

In a move that promises to reshape the landscape of distributed ledger technology (DLT) applications in the industrial sector, the Hedera Council has announced Hitachi America, Ltd. (Hitachi) as its newest member. 

The collaboration marks a pivotal step in leveraging Hedera’s DLT for developing real-world, scalable, and secure industrial solutions.

Bridging industrial expertise with blockchain innovation

Hitachi, a conglomerate known for its extensive range of products and services in electronics, power, healthcare, IT, and industrial sectors, is set to integrate its deep industry knowledge with Hedera’s DLT. The primary focus will be on creating proofs-of-concept for comprehensive supply chain and sustainability solutions. The venture is expected to enhance the resiliency and efficiency of supply chains, particularly in the face of growing demands for clean energy and robust IT/OT infrastructure.

The Hedera Council, a consortium of diverse, global organizations, is committed to network innovation and the decentralization of the Hedera network. As a new member, Hitachi brings a wealth of experience and expertise, especially in industrial applications, to the table. The Council, which operates on an equal voting basis among members, will greatly benefit from Hitachi’s insights in shaping the future of Hedera’s technology and services.

“Hitachi’s recognition of the potential in DLT solutions, particularly those built on Hedera, is a testament to our network’s scalability, security, and commitment to sustainability,” stated Ravigopal Vennelakanti, Vice President, Big Data Analytics Solutions Lab, at Hitachi. “We see immense opportunities in utilizing Hedera’s unique DLT to address critical needs in supply chain management, clean energy, and other industrial sectors.”

Hitachi strengthening the network with technical and research capabilities

Hitachi’s entry into the Hedera Council is not just a strategic addition but also a strengthening of the network’s technical and research capabilities. With a history of developing advanced solutions in payment systems, supply chains, and predictive maintenance, the company’s expertise will be instrumental in furthering the Council’s objectives.

Furthermore, Hitachi’s contribution extends to the realms of machine learning and generative AI technologies. The integration of cutting-edge technology with DLT underscores the Council’s vision of fostering diverse and innovative solutions across various industries.

“Hitachi’s involvement signifies a pivotal moment for DLT, as it transitions into practical, large-scale applications,” said Bill Miller, co-chair of the membership committee for the Hedera Council. “Hitachi’s reputation in developing advanced industrial, energy, and infrastructure solutions aligns perfectly with our mission to demonstrate transparency and accountability in systems like supply chains, which are crucial in today’s world. We are excited to have the company on board and are eager to see their innovations unfold on the Hedera platform.”


the inclusion of Hitachi America, Ltd. into the Hedera Council is a strategic move that promises to significantly enhance the practical application of distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the industrial sector. With the company’s vast expertise in electronics, power, healthcare, and industrial solutions, combined with Hedera’s robust, leaderless proof-of-stake network, the collaboration is poised to drive innovation and efficiency in supply chain management and sustainability solutions. The partnership symbolizes a pivotal step in the advancement of DLT applications, bringing together the best of industrial expertise and blockchain innovation to address real-world challenges.
