Gaming scams ‘red flags’, Axie evolves, Wall Street Games ‘addictive’: Web3 Gamer

Web3 Gamer: The red flags that indicate a fake blockchain game will rip you off, Axie Infinity evolves to Mementos, Wall Street Games review.

According to the Blockchain Gaming Alliance (BGA), a majority of people still think the Web3 gaming industry is rife with scams and con merchants.

In its 2023 State of the Industry report, the BGA highlighted survey results showing that almost three out of four people believe that blockchain gaming is a scam and have done so since the industry emerged.

Since 2021, respondents cited that the biggest misconception surrounding all of blockchain gaming is that people assume it is a scam or a Ponzi scheme. In 2023, 70.0% agreed that this was still the top fallacy about the industry.

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